[net.poems] Viktor's Song

david@terak.UUCP (David Jayakaran) (02/27/85)


			Viktor's Song
			-------- ----

		Viktor was a friend I never knew
		Living for Jesus was all he lived to do
		But now he suffers a private hell
		In a Soviet prison cell
		And since he can't be here 
		I'll sing his song for you
		And it's my song too.

		Do you remember how the story goes
		A rose will always be a rose
		And smell as sweet
		Even though you change its name
		Well, the story of my brother
		Could be a hundred thousand others
		And, believe me, they're Viktors just the same.

		Who knows what tomorrow's going to bring
		For the man who's given Christ his everything
		He's taken up his cross, and counted
		Everything else a loss
		You know he's marked for death
		But you can hear him sing
		Hear him sing

		They can take me away
		Doesn't matter I'll still be free
		Take away my voice
		But they won't silence me
		They can put me in the dark
		But they'll never put out the light
		If they try to take my life, don't you worry
		I'll just fly away.
							-- Jim Gilbert


uucp:	 ...{decvax,hao,ihnp4,seismo}!noao!terak!david
phone:	 [602] 998-4800
us mail: Terak Corporation, 14151 N 76th street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man comes 
unto the Father but by me.                                 (John 14 : 6)