[net.poems] Pierce My Ear

david@terak.UUCP (David Jayakaran) (02/27/85)


			Pierce My Ear
			------ -- ---

		The evening turns to dusk
		As the wheat fields turn to gold
		The slave walks home 
		Back to the master's house.
		There is a calm excitement in the air
		For the next day brings
		The year of Jubilee.

		'Tis the year of Jubilee
		All things bound are set free
		The master calls the slave
		You have served me well
		You are free to leave
		May God go with thee.

		The slave sits at the master's doorstep
		I made my home with thee
		These many years
		You have been good to me
		Don't send me away 
		I entreat you
		Let me stay.

		The master is overjoyed
		Tradition calls 
		For the piercing of the slave's ear
		Telling one and all
		That the slave was free
		But he chose
		To stay.

		Lord, they have Civil Rights Movements
		Women are up in arms
		Man fights with man
		They are of different colors.
		Blood is shed
		In the name of liberty
		Lord, I don't understand.

		Jesus, where's your gentle Spirit
		I thirst for you
		In a dry and empty land
		Oh, when will we ever learn
		That true freedom comes
		In abject surrender
		To your Will

		Pierce my ear, Lord
		I don't care what people say
		I've had enough
		Of this world's blind groping
		Please don't turn me away
		You have been good to me
		Pray, let me make my home with thee.

						-- David Jayakaran


uucp:	 ...{decvax,hao,ihnp4,seismo}!noao!terak!david
phone:	 [602] 998-4800
us mail: Terak Corporation, 14151 N 76th street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man comes 
unto the Father but by me.                                 (John 14 : 6)