[net.poems] Poem for Michael

sol@tty3b.UUCP (9-13-84"Solveig 94120) (02/28/85)

                                 For Michael

          I am learning every imperfection
          Slowly, one by one.
          Each freckle, scar and blemish
          Is a landmark
          On the uncharted skin of your body.

          My hands and mouth
          Loving explorers,
          I would cover every millimeter
          With such care
          The discovery of each soft hollow
          And every hair
          A celebration.

          There are too few hours in the day
          For I could watch you move forever
          The way you do when faced with ecstasy
          When your pleasure is apparent
          In every sound you make.

          I remember how you feel 
          At that very moment
          And in my mind
          I can feel your soft caress
          And taste the sweetness of your mouth.