[net.poems] Some especially free verse

slg@ukma.UUCP (Sean Gilley) (03/13/85)

And still I wonder just what my love really is
is it real... and what is real love?
The things I think I feel,
the feelings I associate as love,
what are they really?

How can I love her?  We haven't spoken in years.
But every now and then the old feelings appear.
And I fall into the same old trap
That everyone falls into
I think.

You see it's late, I can't sleep.
When I close my eyes I see her. Her of time ago.
I think I'll drop by, see her, chat awhile.
I could... But no.
My love of long ago.

No.  Though I may be lying to myself
I think it's better this way.
The hurt is there, but it's an old hurt.
And I don't think I can take the chance
that might twist the knife inside me again.

	-Sean L. Gilley   3/13/85

As always, comments are welcome.


Sean L. Gilley  	Phone: (606) 273-6021 or (606) 257-3092

uucp:	{unmvax,research,boulder,decvax!ucbvax}!anlams!ukma!slg
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Of all forms of caution, caution in love is the most fatal.