[net.poems] Innocence Lost

karen@amd.UUCP (Karen Bain) (03/13/85)

Innocence Lost

They called you Janet,
And took away your innocence.
They left you with nothing,
Not even your pride.
They drugged your mind,
Then destroyed your truth.
When innocence is lost
There's nowhere to hide

Your world was so sheltered,
Your heart so protected.
When life was a playground
Your spirit was bold.
Now playgrounds are gone.
They are places for children
Who sing songs of love,
As your love is now sold.

Maybe somewhere
There's a love that's so deep,
And a truth that's so strong,
That someday you'll sleep
In the comfort of arms,
That will keep you from harm,
And chase off your nightmares
Of time on the street.

Innocence lost
To a prison of pain.
Hide those feelings away,
You can still play the game.
Brush the tears from the bars
Of your prison-wall eyes.
Build a wall that's so thick
That they won't hear the cries.
Hide away, hide away from their fairy-tale lies.
Hide away from their innocent lives.

                 -Karen Bain  3/84