[net.poems] Evening At Home

karen@amd.UUCP (Karen Bain) (03/14/85)

Oh, to be able to see them now.
To know what they are doing
At seven in the evening...

Dinner is simple,
Small talk eases into deeper discussions.
While food is gobbled down, ideas are brought up.
Opinions voiced - approved or excused.
All are satisfied.

The clearing of dishes and running water
While returning to a warm room.
Dinner and discussion digest.
Settling by the fire,
Sipping coffee with tummies content.

Little talk as limbs grow lazy,
And eyes grow heavy,
Hypnotized by the warm glow.
The lights are finally dimmed,
And good-nights said.
The dog whines and sighs,
The fire crackles, hisses, and dies.
Ah, to hear, to see, to feel
The comfort of evening at home.

           -Karen Bain  2/80