[net.poems] I Lay Awake

karen@amd.UUCP (Karen Bain) (05/06/85)

I lay awake in the early morning
Thinking of what I said,
And how I cried last night.
Selfishly, I suppose, because I know
All my tears won't change what has happened,
Or what will be.

And as you lay beside me
Breathing into the darkness,
I know your mind
Is content for a while.

But when you waken,
Your head will be cluttered,
And your heart will be full
With so many people's sorrowfull secrets.
And I wonder if behind that mask
You too are sad inside.

I feel that all those secrets
Must make you feel
Tired, and worn,
And older than you should.

So I reach over and hold you tight.
And wish that somehow
I could lift some of your burden
To let your mind rest.
And I tell myself
Next time I will be stronger.

And if ever again there is a need for tears-
It will be *my* secret.

         K.B.  12/84