[net.poems] reading between the lines

gist@utastro.UUCP (Marc Gist) (06/04/85)

Walk the road and watch the sunset
Made red by bomb-blown ash,
Feel the warmth of the spring time sun:
A fortnight hence is nuclear winter;
And the cool touch of spring night
Is but a dream for evermore.
Listen to the air filled with song
Of vultures awaiting a last supper.
Breath the air, softly scented
By poisoned fumes, radium tainted.

Hold the hand of the one you love,
That's all that's left of him.
Talk of great dreams yet to be ,
Knowing life will not go on.

Learn to know each others likes and dislikes
A  flash of rage may be your end.
Give to each other your deepest hopes
And you will be the other's supper.
When the day has turned to night
After night was turned to day.

With deep gratitude to Mary Hauck