[net.poems] Struggle

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (MJH) (06/19/85)

Struggle 6/19/85

Each day is a struggle
      to rediscover self
Lost in this high tech world
      is who I am and why
Values once strong
      are only shadows
I have lost
      my God
The road once clear and straight
      is now a weed covered trail
And so I must seek
      to re-awaken or re-discover me
Once I knew my direction
      now again I will seek it
My place in this world
      was never static, should never be
But the lesson is painful
      and has left an ugly wound
I know it is for the best
      the growth is good
Strength is gained
      out of failure, and falls
And I will regain
      what I have lost
To be stronger
      and to be where I belong
Mary Hauck