[net.poems] Guilty

valerie@sdcc3.UUCP (Valerie Polichar) (07/09/85)



		Guilty	{why I stay}

  Not because your naked arms fill my thighs
  or that your eyes make silence too bright to bear;
  but how you move in slow thrusts to claim what's yours
  or mine; that's what holds me, perhaps.

  I left my imprint on your lips for a reason
  which I am trying hard to forget.  Not that my legs ache less
  for your touch, or that my fingers don't remmber
  the path to your face; don't get me wrong.
  I know where you are:
  I'm making love to you.
  My hands are in your hair.

  But if I travel this damp path tonight,
  smell the soft hair deep with your own secret scent,
  will you find traces there tomorrow what you dust for fingerprints?

		Comments, anyone?

-=< Valerie Polichar >=-		 ...sdcsvax!sdcc3!valerie

"The nights are the rivers;
     they commit the crimes..."