[net.poems] A poem spawned from grief

kathyv@daemon.UUCP (Kathy Vineyard) (07/23/85)

A very good friend of mine wrote this for me after the tragic murder of
my sister.  It really struck a place in my heart, probably because it
describes my inner feelings so well.

	Madness strikes everywhere;
	Its insanity more than we can bear,
	Violating the sanctity of life,
	Replacing it with endless strife.

	Souls in rotting tombs cry for justice
	That always seems just beyond reach.
	They are mocked with ripe injustice,
	Silencing their imploring speech.

	While my sighs, too deep for words,
	Cry out, O Lord, how long
	Before plows are made from swords
	And you overcome the wrong?

	My antipodean feelings ebb and flow -
	Grief, anger, sorrow, bitterness, peace
	I seek the healing waters you bestow
	To bring my bruised and wounded heart release.

					- David Hasey -

Submitted by:
Kathy Vineyard