[net.poems] recursive plagiarism and other delights

aldo@brl-tgr.ARPA (Aldo Scipioni ) (07/24/85)

During 1914 Ralph Vaughan Williams wrote a piece of Romantic Pastoral
music (for violin and orchestra) titled "The Lark Ascending".  The
work was titled after George Meredith's poem "The Lark Ascending".

After listening to this wonderful melody, I thought, "gee, this seems
more like a lover's song than a lark's flight".  Then, on the album
cover I noticed that the piece had been dedicated to Marie Hall.
"So", I mused, "perhaps I'm right".  

To make a long story short, I then wrote the following.  It is what
I hear when listening to Vaughan William's "The Lark Ascending".


	rising, they begin to round
	two lovers 
		   dropping silver chains of sound
	thus breaking earthly bounds
	their winged voices flow
	rising toward aerial realms
	where human heart
			  and sunlit mind
					  (not body)
						     effortlessly go

	golden churrips blossem 'cross the sky
	each heart lifts heart
			       as to the sun they fly
	'til lost in gossamer rings
				    midst brilliant heights
	their song remains 
			   'though they are beyond sight

	yet in my heart
			i see
			       they are still there
	two dear companions
			    rising unaware
	that they are now but ethereal beings
	weighless waves of sound
	their counterparts strive to such heights
	     upon the ground


	   dedicated (with fond memories) to P. M. Arndt
