[net.poems] Pissed !!!!

phinn@acf4.UUCP (Jorge F. Phinn) (08/02/85)

   Just had to blow off some steam one day, so I wrote this.


Have you ever been pissed before?.
The anger inside burns me to the core.
If anyone bugs me i'll tear off their head,
And sit back and watch the blood I've shed.

There are days I am happy and calm,
Those are the days I turn on the charm.
Then there are days the blood runs with a chill.
I sit around and search for someone to KILL !!!.

I have so much anger and hate inside.
If you see me I suggest you run and hide.
Don't say a word just pass me by.
Say just one word, and there'll be a fist in your eye.

                              -- Jorge...