[net.poems] a little piece of the universe

susan@lmef.UUCP (susan) (08/16/85)

the quiet one sits in a corner
all locked away,
she dreams of the night
as she hides in the day

a sound escapes her
a tuneless hum
heard like the shining
of the setting sun

her universe her corner
where she holds sway
lighting her darkness
with moonglow gone astray

she sweeps the dust
from her eyes
like the tears that flow
from ash-filled skies

"a song within
no one to hear,
I within me
found a thing to fear,

No one can touch me
in my cobwebbed palace
I hold no love here,
I hold no malice."

Dust motes gather
she weaves them around
her tapestry sings
leaving no sound....
no sound.....

				susan of lmef

