[net.poems] wanted need lead to poem

presley@mhuxj.UUCP (Joe Presley) (08/26/85)

This, I'm afraid, could be a tough request.

My fiance heard a poem read at a friend of a friend's wedding years ago
and she could like it read at our wedding.  It has images of trees
growing together and that if one grows to overshadow the other, the
other will wilt and die.  Another hint is that she thinks she heard it
also on "All in the Family" when Gloria and Mike's friends got married.

If anyone knows of this poem and knows who wrote it,
we'd appreciate it very much.

Hoping against all hope ...
Joe Presley (whuxl!presley)

elliot@well.UUCP (Elliot Fabric) (09/01/85)

Joe, Can't get hang of mail paths yet. Try Khalil Gibran. His best
selling book is everywhere.  Pretty certain that's your source.
"The Prophet" is the book's name