[net.poems] Samantha's Song

slg@ukma.UUCP (Sean Gilley) (09/06/85)

(This was written as a song, which is why there is a repeated verse..
 it's the chorus.)

Samantha's Song

Your name was in the news this morning
They said your plane had crashed, that you had died
I sat in silence one short moment
Before I cried, how I cried

So throughout the day I wondered
Just why such a thing had been
Yet I know there are no answers
There never are, have never been

But I'll remember for a lifetime
The gift you gave to me, to all the world
A gift of hope, of peace, of careing
Such a gift from one young girl

In your innocence and loving
You spoke out for all to hear
But now the silence begins growing
Almost too much for us to bear

But I'll remember for a lifetime
The gift you gave to me, to all the world
A gift of hope, of peace, of careing
Such a gift from one young girl

So this song's for you Samantha
Though my words you'll never hear
Still the dream you dreamed lives on and on
Though our eyes are filled with tears

But I'll remember for a lifetime
The gift you gave to me, to all the world
A gift of hope, of peace, of careing
Such a gift from one young girl

Your name was in the news this morning
They said your plane had crashed, that you had died
I sat in silence one short moment
Before I cried, how I cried

As always, coments (good, bad, or constructive) are welcome.


Sean L. Gilley  	     Phone: (606) 272-9620 or (606) 257-4613

uucp:	{unmvax,research,boulder,decvax!ucbvax}!anlams!ukma!ukgs!slg
	|| {ihnp4,decvax,ucbvax}!cbosgd!ukma!ukgs!slg

arpa:	 ukma!slg@ANL-MCS.ARPA