[net.poems] Awaiting an Echo in a Desert

beth@sphinx.UChicago.UUCP (Beth Christy) (09/11/85)


			Awaiting an Echo in a Desert

	  In her deeper moments she was a stranger.

	  Time passed, and she danced with them to their music.
	  But there were moments when she missed the rhythms of her
	  own heart, the melodies of her own spirit.

	  There were times when she wished things were different,
	  that teaching, rather than learning, was her talent.  She
	  longed to find a heart that would hear her music, and
	  respond with harmony; a spirit that would dance with her
	  to her song.

	  She danced with them, but her heart was alone...awaiting
	  an echo.


--JB       (Beth Christy, U. of Chicago, ..!ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!beth)

		"Oh yeah, P.S.,
		 I...I feel...feel like...I am
		 in a burning building
		 And I gotta go."            (Laurie Anderson)