[net.poems] three poems

grw@fortune.UUCP (Glenn Wichman) (07/13/84)


	(sorry if I posted this one before -- I don't remember)


	Avalon lies in her hammock in her ship and sings
	Of unknown lands beyond her bay
	And gifts of unknown things
	A woman who needs nothing more
	Than shoes with wheels and wings.

	Avalon skates lonely through her namesake town alone
	Avalon -- the last resort
	The streets of cobblestone
	The last ship lies in harbor
	A woman calls it home.

	Avalon I miss you as you miss your ocean friends
	Avalon the woman and
	The town that never ends
	Avalon, I may return
	I want to make ammends


	Happy New Year, 1968
	Happy birthday, sweet sixteen
	So much of life, of love, of hate
	Of leather vests and faded jeans

	So much this decade can create
	So much more than a dream
	Timestorms rage and then abate
	Are things really as they seem?

	Happy New Year, 1984
	Happy birthday, Seventeen
	You lost 15 years or more
	Where has the world gone, in between?

	So much the '60s gained and lost
	Such fleeting victories
	Starshine only paid the cost
	Don't leave her in the '80s, please

	  For me the biggest dream came to true
	  In a pink house feeling blue
	  I sat, fat, happy, safe and bored
	  Nothing more to struggle toward
	  Getting here was all the fun
	  The cold hard struggle now is done
	  The sky is blue, the grass is green
	  The air is way too clear
	  I think I'll build a time machine
	  I must get out of here.
	  The commander speaks out in Old Norse
	  The Viking warship alters course
	  I sail with nordic pillagers
	  Surprised the hapless villagers
	  The Viking Glories in my head
	  Were lost on faces of the dead
	  As the last old farmer died
	  The Vikings gave a cheer
	  I am feeling sick inside
	  I must get out of here.
	  In Spanish, freedom fighters speak
	  It is Cuba's good we seek
	  If some must die in Freedom's birth
	  Destiny shows what it's worth
	  Killing brothers face to face
	  Castro takes Samoza's place
	  It seems in Cuba, the disease
	  Was no worse than the cure
	  And so I'm filled with great unease
	  I must get out of here.
	  Mars Hill abuzz with Attic Greek
	  I think I'll stop and take a peek
	  I sat and talked philosophies
	  With those who follow Socrates
	  I followed him among the best
	  Until the day of his arrest
	  The Greeks and their democracy
	  Are not what they appear
	  Before they get around to me
	  I must get out of here.
	  Harsh words in Aramaic came
	  To those who serve God just in name
	  I follow to Jerusalem                  
	  I sing His song along with them       
	  I saw the price that Jesus paid       
	  I saw the night He was betrayed       
	  They took Him to be crucified         
	  I watch the people jeer               
	  I could not watch Him as He died      
	  I must get out of here.               

	  For me the biggest dream came to true
	  In a way I never knew
	  Through ages past adventure came
	  I found them all to be the same
	  Each days glory, each days sin
	  My new adventure lies within
	  My time machine will turn to rust
	  His Spirit draws me near
	  My body fades away to dust
	  I must be out of here.


mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (MJH) (03/01/85)

Fog 2/22/85

Touch the fog, feel it swirl
Shapes, soften to be beautiful
Hold me close, wrapped in mist
Illusions replace reality

Walk a road in the bright sunlight
See how different it is in fog
Silent, wet fog, swirling thick, thin
Hear the footsteps echoing back

I love the fog, watching it swirl
Moving like a wraith, forward
I have no shape or form, I become the fog
Slipping from shadow to shadow
I move with the life of nature

Mary Hauck

Spring 2/25/85

Soft spring rain, brings new life
     and love begins anew
For the cold is leaving, for now
     a new season begins
Refreshing is the air now
     filled with the soft scents of spring
Be happy and rejoice for new days
     sweet spring you bring new life
I will walk with you 
     find the softness of the spring air
Know the joys of finding life
     and watching new lives being born

Mary Hauck

God 2/17/85

When you walk alone, you are at one
      with God
To be at peace in a world filled
      with war
Be aware of what follows
      with life
Know that each day begins anew
      with prayer
Search your heart, finding love
      with love
God lives here and now
      with faith

Mary Hauck

Any comments are welcomed.

fonseca@iswiss.DEC (Dave Fonseca 232-2502) (11/05/85)


My brother Arthur Fonseka wrote these during a recent
visit.  Please skip right by this if you are looking
for the 'Easy Listening'-type poetry that this
newsgroup seems to attract.

	David Fonseca		DEC Internal Software Services
(UUCP)		{decvax, ucbvax, allegra}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-iswiss!fonseca
(ARPA)		fonseca%iswiss.DEC@decwrl.ARPA


    can you speak
  when you tell the truth , does it matter
eye change dim in the stormeye glows weak through distance
love grows weak       the retina.  myopia 
and the shattered eyelid  the cracking, oculation
there is vision in seperation we can see each other through the tremors of 
an earthquake where is your crystal?
it is in my box of infamy.cube of death where they keep their ill-gotten
goods. safety deposit box.   hold it close to your chest so that when you
are assassinated it will be destroyed with your greed.


ice cold comfort of leisure
stick something up your ass   covet someone
.spinal fluid draining into your hand.
wipe the embryos off of the counter and flush them drowning in the death of
our caring.
count them, count them again.
the cells of our dissolution
harvest the fruits growing from our chemical urine, sprayed from a plastic
and wipe the cancer from your memory onto your belly.  as if it were truly
fertile or containing life
within the cage of a laboratory the pale boneless sterile fingers without
give us an artificial cathode nerve replace my fantasy torture my body with 
your subliminal poison
and analyze the rats reaction rolling in his toxic excrement
your sterile wives 
lives of barren psychosis an egg travelling from vestigial ovary
i can only sense your uterus with my insanity
you wish to slash at your womb.  you ask them to remove all fertility with 
their blades and poison that sacred birthing place
a thin veil of plastic between your blood and my sensitivity
inner ear having been deafened to the pleasure and terror travelling upon 
the sun's waves.  feel the intricate brine of light crystallize upon your 


            you don't understand why i hated you , think your apologies 
are enough  understand the illness i felt because you took my sex for granted
think that words are enough   and now, i, the fool return to you to correct 
the illness that you infected me with.  and why weren't you willing to do this
for me despite all of your admonitions of love ; i feel that it is because 
you finally feel your loneliness.  i know that if i left you you would find 
someone else to occupy your sex so you could forget humanity and leach off 
them for a time.  how much have you taken from me in the time you've known 
was it because you thought i was rich? even when i earned my money honestly
more honestly than you ever bothered to, you still had no qualms about taking
from me, as if you deserved it more than i, or as if i was no better than 
the capitalists that you so malevolently toy with  with your sex. no ability 
to give and no ability to share properly. as your parting gesture you let me 
pick up the check as if it hadn't been a joint decision, as if you needed  
the money more than i.  after you had lived in comfort and security the whole
time and i had spent all of my money being with you and trying to please you
after i had worn out my welcome with your friends after i had lived on the
streets, after i had endured the jealousy of kabir (it was you who deserved
that, not i)
you try to make me feel as if i were cruel-i am not torturing you with my
actions,  betrayal, but with the truth if you cannot stand it, understand it.
and it will have to end because you will have conceived the pain you have
forged in my heart