[net.poems] my latest

valerie@sdcc13.UUCP (Valerie Polichar) (11/07/85)

Comments, as usual, are MORE than welcome!
The title is just a working title; suggestions???


Fisted fear lay balled-up
in the lap of my one son
while on the ground the snow grew deeper
than any mother has a right to know

what company the seasons keep, and why
the summer must dissolve at last in ice.
Knee-deep in muttered promises and lies,
I bent to try to wipe the questions from his eyes.

I've made no dent in nightmares;
swords lie like words, and often fail.
He's caught me limping home too many times
and knows no longer can I conquer all.

His bravened hands reach up to touch
my fiery cheeks as if to reassure, and then move on
to drive the snow-hounds from his path,
this child I could never own.