[net.poems] misc.

ahs@pucc-i (Christy) (01/20/86)

   Do you remember when the world was young
   The birds did sing, the wind had song
   do you remember the time of darkness
   when the wind sang to the birds song
   do you remember yesterday or today
   when the wind whispered to those who 
      would not hear
   and the birds sang silence to our
   do you remeber when the wind sang and
      birds had song.

                             9/11  RR

 She floats upon the wandering breeze
 seeking shadows that seem to see
 that the lights of wisdom can forever be
 finding starlight on the open sea
 and spirit flying with the wind
 catching song that whispers when
 shadows see, so that wisdom can forever be.

                             9/24 RR


Christy Dey
Purdue University

