[net.poems] Love Song

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.H) (11/01/83)

Love Song 10/31/83

I sing the song of love
Of kisses sweet with love complete
My spirit sails up high like a dove
For the times and people I have yet to meet

Cold nights ahead by the fireplace
A place to plan and dream, tomorrow
And yet I will not live at a hurry pace
For time is something you can not borrow

My song will never end
For love only continues to grow
And forever love I will defend
And like a river it will always flow

Mary Hauck

phoenix@genat.UUCP (phoenix) (02/23/86)

This is not something that I wrote, but is something I heard at a sf-con
filk-sing back in 1981 (a filk-sing is like with folk-songs, but are sf
and fantasy oriented).  The woman who wrote the song is Diana Gallagher,
and it is copyrighted by her.

*Planetbound Lovers*

The space-shuttle pilot lies dreaming
Of adventure come the dawn.
His lover weeps, she cannot sleep:
Tommorrow, he'll be gone.

Goodbye, my love!
Minus 10 and counting!
The launch-fires flame and roar!
Goodbye, my love!
Going into orbit,
On the wings of the Future you'll soar.

A man confronts his destiny,
Accepts what must be done;
The challenge faced, he'll open Space
For his unborn daughters and sons.


Bound away, beyond the atmosphere,
To sail Infinity's sky,
A man's heart sings:  the wonder of wings
And planetbound lovers cry.
A woman understands the secret
Desires and needs of men.
She knows someday he'll choose to stay
And never return from orbit again.


And I'll be waiting here, missing you,
Until planetbound lovers go orbiting, too.

					The Phoenix
					(Neither Bright, Dark, nor Young)

---"A man should live forever...or die trying."
---"There is no substitute for good manners...except fast reflexes."

srt@ucla-cs.UUCP (02/25/86)

In article <2561@genat.UUCP> phoenix@genat.UUCP () writes:
>                     ... The woman who wrote the song is Diana Gallagher,
>and it is copyrighted by her...

And you had permission to reprint it here, I assume?

    Scott R. Turner
    ARPA:  (now) srt@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA  (soon) srt@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU
    UUCP:  ...!{cepu,ihnp4,trwspp,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!srt
    FISHNET:  ...!{flounder,crappie,flipper}!srt@fishnet-relay.arpa