[net.poems] The Doomsday Ramble...

ar563303@sjuvax.UUCP (rowley) (03/12/86)


 The Doomsday Ramble (an attempt at semipoetic social commentary)

    There is a thin line between
  convenience and control and
  we are fast becoming slaves to
  our own petty machinations
    We have sold our birthright
  for "security" and "prosperity";
  empty political promises which
  have turned us into a nation of 
  complacent fools on whom the 
  joke rests...
    It is far better to live on the
  precipice than to stagnate in dull
    Propped up in chairs with your 
  Reeboks and your Guess jeans
  watching your world falter and die
  choking on its own excess
    Life should be more than a slow
  crawl through a prefabricated
  prison to the solace of death
    Put off your selfmade shackles of
  Conformity and toss aside the 
  trappings of the robotic mass 

   Your own destiny lies before you
  far from the caves and sewers of
  "Modern Living"
   Put away your death machines and
  your fastlane toys and come join us
  out in the sun
   TV porn and designer drugs are the
  flotsam of your age as the world
  skips to the beat of twitching fingers
  held over doomsday buttons by faded
  B-movie stars and their Eastbloc

   Let us cease this madness and return
  to the roots of peace
   Put down your guns and pick up shovels
  to help us bury the spectre of
  Atomization forevermore and with it the
  foul products of four decades and small 
  change in the valley of the shadow
  of death...

   Give us grass over concrete and asphalt
  and trees over steel as we choose to wear
  our own colors and not those of fashion
  puppets on television...

       Comments and constructive criticisms are gratefully appreciated.

                                                 Tony Rowley


 Anthony J. Rowley    St. Joseph's University   Philadelphia, PA  USA
 { bpa | burdvax | allegra | astrovax } !sjuvax!ar563303
 "These things we do...that others may live" - from the PA Wing Rangers' Creed