[net.poems] Literary Journal Seeks Submissions

valerie@sdcc3.UUCP (Valerie Polichar) (02/26/86)


We are beginning a brand new literary journal that is seeking submissions
from poets and writers all over the world.  We pay in copies, and the
issues will be widely distributed and illustrated in black-and-white.

Please send your electronic submissions to me via return mail or to


or, if you prefer, submissions may be sent to

		Valerie Polichar
		4465  50th Street
		San Diego, CA  92115
		   Attn: Journal Editors

Submissions for the first issue are due by April 30.
Our slant is towards LITERATURE - religious or pop poetry is unlikely
to be chosen, though extremely good examples are worth trying.
One of the editors has a bias towards science fiction, so sf with a
literary bent (a la Bradbury) will be considered, unlike with most
literary magazines.

	There will be a small prize of $10.00 each
	for the best poem and best short story.

Most turndowns will come within two weeks.  Everyone should have heard
from us by June 1st.  If you haven't, write again or call me at
(619) 583-2020.

Thanks very much - PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID TO SUBMIT!!!! 
This is one of the more painless ways to try and get published.

			Valerie Polichar		(aka the Lady Arwen)
				and cohorts  :-)

valerie@net1.UCSD.EDU (Valerie Polichar) (05/01/86)

this is a reposting, for the benefit of those who missed it last month.


seeks submissions of poetry and short fiction from poets and writers worldwide.
Payment will be in copies.  Issues will be illustrated in black-and-white.
	    We anticipate an initial August publication.

Please send your electronic submissions to me via return mail or to

			 {ihnp4!}sdcsvax!net1!valerie	(UUCP)
			 valerie@SDCSVAX.UCSD.EDU  	(ARPA)

or, if you prefer, submissions may be sent to

			  The Bare Foot Review
			  P.O. Box 151082
			  San Diego, CA  92115
				(but please enclose a S.A.S.E.! thanks)

	Submissions for the first issue are due by May 31, 1986.
Our slant is simply towards good literature.  Please, no religious or
        heavily political pieces.  Query before sending artwork.
        No particular length restrictions (but no novels, please!)

	There will be a small prize of $10.00 each
	for the best poem and best short story.

Most turndowns will come within two weeks.  Everyone should have heard
from us by July 1st.  If you haven't, write again or call me at
			(619) 583-2020.

Feel free to write with further questions -

			Valerie Polichar and Eric Howard
			  Editors, The Bare Foot Review
Valerie Polichar     sdcsvax!net1!valerie     net1!valerie@SDCSVAX.UCSD.EDU

This is a fake signature.  If it were a real signature, you would have
	    fled, terror-striken, from your terminal.