john@cisden.UUCP (John Woolley) (05/08/86)
Here's a rondeau I wrote, in part to see whether I could do a rondeau in modern English. It's a very strict form, 13 lines of 4 or 5 iambs each (the same number throughout the poem), with the first 2 feet of the first line repeated after the 8th and 13th lines. The rhyme-scheme is strict, aabbaaab.aabba. These used to be fairly common in French. As usual, any criticism of form, thought, technique, or whatever is appreciated. "With Love Suffused" a Rondeau for the Annunciation With love suffused -- swift his descent! -- to David's daughter Gabriel went, and archangelic tribute paid his fair young queen. That matchless maid, each thought, each muscle calm, attent to God's will, graceful girl's-heart bent on sweet surrender's firm assent, our blessed treasure blissful prayed, with love suffused. Our Lady heard, gave Love consent in her flesh flesh to take, be blent in her with man. His word obeyed, the archangel flew, but God's Word stayed in Mary, silent, chaste, content, with love suffused. -- Fr. John Woolley