[net.poems] Afterglow

geoff@druxi.UUCP (SherwoodGC) (01/18/84)


   Geoffrey C. Sherwood

I gaze across a tranquil sea
And watch the sun ease out of sight:
A fiery glow, at last set free,
Will usher in the still, black night.

The orb has set, but every cloud
Reflects the dying crimson rays
Which give the sky a burning shroud
In which to face night's cold, dark gaze.

But wraiths of mist cannot prevail
Against a foe that few withstand.
Too soon this last defence will fail
And leave the night in sole command.

The final embers pale and fade,
While overhead the stars appear.
The flaming pyre that Sol had made
Has turned to ash: the night is here.

nessus@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU (Doug Alan) (05/21/86)

Silence mourned at the pulpit -- a broken lace
The orange light of dawn filtered through like gravel
Dull needles pierced cold flesh
Vibrating in unison
In collision
Afterglow is brought forth
And sent back

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