[net.poems] The Explorer: Version 2.

mhb@mtx5a.UUCP (q) (06/18/86)

The explorer
lost in the dry and barren wilderness
stumbles upon a trail
which leads him to the knowledge
that he knows nothing
and drinking from this well of truth
he is contented
in his sadness ...
drifting, drifting, drifting
in a sea of nothingness
carried off by a sudden wave of nostalgia
he longs for the good times
to be remembered but never revisited
surrounded by the hazy images
of good friends lost to time
he is comforted
in his solitude ...
remembering, remembering, remembering
until he remembers that it is all but a mirage
and that he is alone in a desert
dying of thirst.
     - mhb/explorer, philosopher and software developer at large