[net.poems] A POEM

Anonymous@inmet.UUCP (12/10/83)

inmet!Anonymous    Dec  6 12:46:00 1983

I sing you a song of a sleek, slimy seal
Who slithers and slides through the slippery sands.
She's warm as can be and I love her for real
But I must hold her flippers, for seals have no hands.

art@godot.UUCP (Art Medlar) (01/16/85)

            I like to travel
            It's so much more fun than standing still.

            The trees go by
            With hundreds of tiny frogs
            Into the furnace
            Of the past.

                          >Art Medlar

nessus@mit-eddie.UUCP (Doug Alan) (04/12/85)

Everybody loves you and hates me
They hate me because I am ugly
Because I live in their cereal boxes
And under their sinks
They spray me with poison
And trap me with scents
They love you because you float on the wind
-- I have to crawl
Your colorful wings hide your six scaly legs
And your creepy antennas
They love you because you suck the juices from their manicured flowers
They love you so much...
They'll stick a pin through your heart
I'll still be alive
When you're just a painful longing in withered hearts

-Doug Alan

ibyf@ihlpa.UUCP (Scott) (01/09/86)

Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me
As plurdled Gabbleblotchits in a lurgid bee
Groop! I implore thee, my foonting Turlingdromes
and hooptiously drangle me with crinkly Bindlewurdles
or I will rend thee in the Gobberwarts 
with my Blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!

Gashee Morphousite, thou expungiest quoopisk
Bleem miserable Venchit! Bleem forever mestinglish asunder frapt
Fripping lyshus Wimbgunts, awhilst moongrovenly kormzibs
Gerond withoutitude form into formless Bloit, why not then? Moose.

paul@vcvax1.UUCP (paul) (01/10/86)

> Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me ...

This sounds to me like the Vogon Captain's favorite poetry
from Infocom's Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy game.
This is a wonderful game -- but why don't you give them (and
Douglas Adams) credit???

Paul Kleppner
VenturCom, Inc.

barth@tellab1.UUCP (Barth Richards) (01/10/86)

In article <996@ihlpa.UUCP> ibyf@ihlpa.UUCP (Scott) writes:

>Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me
         that's MICTURATIONS_______|

>As plurdled Gabbleblotchits in a lurgid bee
>Groop! I implore thee, my foonting Turlingdromes
>and hooptiously drangle me with crinkly Bindlewurdles
>or I will rend thee in the Gobberwarts 
>with my Blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!
>Gashee Morphousite, thou expungiest quoopisk
>Bleem miserable Venchit! Bleem forever mestinglish asunder frapt
>Fripping lyshus Wimbgunts, awhilst moongrovenly kormzibs
>Gerond withoutitude form into formless Bloit, why not then? Moose.

Where did the second verse come from? Was it in one of Douglas Adams'
obscure unpublished notebooks, or did it just spill from the deep dark
recesses of your own mind?

			    Barth Richards
			    Tellabs, Inc.
			    Lisle, IL

			    "Vogon poetry is the third worst poetry
			     in the universe."
                            -THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY

hsu@eneevax.UUCP (Dave Hsu) (01/11/86)

In article <165@vcvax1.UUCP> paul@vcvax1.UUCP (paul) writes:
>> Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me ...
>This sounds to me like the Vogon Captain's favorite poetry
>from Infocom's Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy game.
>This is a wonderful game -- but why don't you give them (and
>Douglas Adams) credit???
>Paul Kleppner

(we missed the original posting)
Actually, the words came from the TV show.  Can't recall if they
were in the radio show, though.
David Hsu	Communication & Signal Processing Lab, EE Department
<disclaimer>	University of Maryland,  College Park, MD 20742
hsu@eneevax.umd.edu  {seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!eneevax!hsu  CF522@UMDD.BITNET
And then there were none.

dturner@imagen.UUCP (Alai) (01/13/86)

> Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me
> As plurdled Gabbleblotchits in a lurgid bee
> Groop! I implore thee, my foonting Turlingdromes
> and hooptiously drangle me with crinkly Bindlewurdles
> or I will rend thee in the Gobberwarts 
> with my Blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!
> Gashee Morphousite, thou expungiest quoopisk
> Bleem miserable Venchit! Bleem forever mestinglish asunder frapt
> Fripping lyshus Wimbgunts, awhilst moongrovenly kormzibs
> Gerond withoutitude form into formless Bloit, why not then? Moose.

that man is a vogon !!!!!!
the dead swans lie in the stagnet pool ,

or how about :

zen and the art of going to the lavorty ?

	If you push somthing hard enough it will fall over
	  -fud's first law .

Name:	David Turner
Mail:	6259 Rainbow dr. San Jose , Ca
AT&T:	(408) 725-1974
UUCP:	...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!dturner

ibyf@ihlpa.UUCP (Scott) (01/13/86)

> In article <165@vcvax1.UUCP> paul@vcvax1.UUCP (paul) writes:
> >> Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me ...
> >This sounds to me like the Vogon Captain's favorite poetry
> >from Infocom's Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy game.
> >Paul Kleppner
> (we missed the original posting)
> Actually, the words came from the TV show.  Can't recall if they
> -dave
> -- 
> David Hsu	Communication & Signal Processing Lab, EE Department
ACTUALLY the words came from the game!!!
				the original poster of the article!!!!  

thoth@tellab3.UUCP (Marcus Hall) (01/14/86)

Also from THHGTTG:

Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in my Armpit One Midsummer Morning

Putty.  Putty.  Putty.
Green Putty -- Grutty Peen.
Grarmpitutty -- Morning!
Pridsummer -- Grorning Utty!
Discovery ..... Oh.
Putty? ..... Armpit?
Armpit ..... Putty.
Not even a particularly
Nice shade of green.

Zin and the Art of going to the Lavatory.

Ralax mind
Relax body
Relax bowels
Do not fall over.
You are a cloud.
You are raining.
Do not rain
Whilst train
Is standing at a station.
Move with the wind.
Apologise where necessary.

And By:
	Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings
	37 Wasp Villas
	Green Bridge
	GB10 1LL

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool.
They lay, they rotted.  They turned
Around occasionally.
Bits of flesh dropped off them from
Time to time.
And sank into the pool's mire.
They also smelt a great deal.

This scrolled across on the book during the discussion of poetry on the TV

marcus hall

ar563303@sjuvax.UUCP (rowley) (02/12/86)


 Untitled (I haven't submitted to this net in a while so feel free to comment)

 A nation in stagnation...
riding the waves of conformity 
with slow,silent erosion
 We need a new diversity
breaking through the barriers
imposed by a media-induced society
and rising to a new dawn of freedom
 The hypnotic litany
of "wanna get,gotta buy" holds
millions in thrall before
the unblinking cathode-ray eye...
 The wheel has come full-circle
as freedoms are curtailed not
by government but by the governed
and the hype to which they are
 Can any hell be worse than that
of a people who have lost
their essence?
 Freedom and creativity have 
been voluntarily put by the wayside
as B-grade movie stars rule over
a jaded world made in Japan...
 Spare me from the rhetoric
of sameness and "normalcy"
for you have made it bad enough...
 A revolution is in order
not with guns or money but with
the best of old and new in synthesis
to bring color back to a dull 
 Our "modern-day utopia" is
a bare-faced lie concocted by old men in
business suits looking to get the rest
and the best of everything
as they rape our wildlands and poison us with toxic
wastes in the name of progress...
 The warmongers fattening htemselves with the lifeblood of 
our nation...
 Spare me from all these things
and reserve me a place in the wilds if there
are any left by the time I finish...

ahr@ariel.UUCP (T.A.ROOLAART) (07/14/86)

A Poem by Ton Roolaart::

                                  - 1 -

       BBBBlllluuuurrrrrrrreeeedddd TTTThhhhoooouuuugggghhhhttttssss

                            (October 24, 1983)

                   _I_n_j_e_c_t_i_o_n_s _o_n _a_n_x_i_e_t_y _s_t_i_n_g _m_y _m_i_n_d
                         _R_e_l_i_e_f _o_h _d_i_s_t_a_n_t _r_e_l_i_e_f
                       _l_i_e_s _i_n _a _s_e_a _c_o_l_o_r_e_d _w_i_t_h
                           _a_l_l _s_p_e_c_i_e_s _o_f _l_i_f_e

                        _C_a_l_m_n_e_s_s _p_a_s_s_e_s _m_e _b_y _a_n_d
                     _I _h_a_v_e _b_u_t _l_i_t_t_l_e _l_e_f_t _t_o _b_r_e_a_t_h
                    _C_a_n'_t _y_o_u _s_e_e - _C_a_n'_t _y_o_u _t_o_u_c_h _m_e

                         _I _h_o_p_e _i_n _s_t_r_a_n_g_e _c_o_l_o_r_s
                 _I _f_e_e_l _w_i_t_h _a_b_s_t_r_a_c_t _s_t_r_o_k_e_s _o_f _a _b_r_u_s_h
                         _I _l_i_s_t_e_n _t_h_r_o_u_g_h _e_c_h_o_i_n_g
                      _c_h_a_m_b_e_r_s _o_f _f_a_l_s_e _i_m_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
                       _I _t_a_l_k _n_o_t _o_f _f_a_n_t_a_s_y _b_u_t _o_f
                         _F_a_r _f_a_d_e_d _s_h_a_d_e_s _o_f _b_l_u_e

                     _D_i_f_f_u_s_i_n_g _t_h_e _c_o_l_o_r_s _o_f _m_y _w_o_r_l_d
                       _I'_l_l _s_p_l_a_s_h _l_i_g_h_t _o_n _m_y _p_a_t_h
                      _L_o_o_k_i_n_g _f_o_r _t_h_a_t _o_n_e _p_a_i_n_t_i_n_g
                         _T_h_a_t _w_i_l_l _r_e_m_e_d_y _m_y _s_o_u_l