[net.poems] Palaces

derek@rsch.wisc.edu (Derek Zahn) (07/18/86)

There is a palace in my soul
A place unknown to all but me
A silver cup, a fruit-filled bowl
Of peace and what is meant to be

I think your eyes could see me there
But shuttered blinds obscure the view
Protected from the streetlight's glare
The darkness spins with dreams of you

Drink with me
   My secret love
Nectar from the font of youth
Walk with me
   My secret love
Gardens grow for trust and truth

There is a palace in my soul
The table there is set for two
You cannot know, my sweet Nicole
The empty plate is set for you

There is a palace in your heart
I see it in your mirthful eyes
Stars not marked on any chart
Shining bright in unknown skies
