[net.poems] Opportunities

shers@oz.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (07/22/86)

                                                 Alex Sherstinsky
                                                    July 21, 1986


                If a man wants power, he can proceed
                To swarming mobs decaying in a mess:
                They need someone to lead
                And guide the rest.

                Or, if his goal in life is making dough
                To break from poverty's stagnating lock,
                He'll get his chance to crawl
                Towards the buck.

                And if a man is eager to get laid,
                A lot of silly virgins still remain
                For him to penetrate
                Through their veins.


                But you're the only one who's so unique:
                Not just a pair of legs and pretty face
                Like most of fancy chicks;
                You -- radiate!