[net.poems] "About My Hand"

valerie@net1.UCSD.EDU (Valerie Polichar) (07/24/86)


		About My Hand

Forgive me, I have too many fingers.  It's hard
to separate the difficult from the divine;
but this is not a gift.

They chicken-feed off my skull,
pour their wines down my throat.
Twine their nice gilt threads around my neck,
which is waiting.

Ah, she's a pretty one, lying with her hair twisted over her innocence.
I'd like to take my fingers to her,
but you know what they'd say.

It's a fucked-up world
where love is permission to demand

and my fingers get caught in the telephone dial to freedom.

-- Comments are more than welcome. --

Valerie Polichar     sdcsvax!net1!valerie     net1!valerie@SDCSVAX.UCSD.EDU

This is a fake signature.  If it were a real signature, you would have
	    fled, terror-striken, from your terminal.