[net.poems] Words

pjane (11/15/82)

                        How easy
                                the breath
                                          that kills a flame.

                        How hard
                                to kindle
                                         that light again.

                        Cold words kill
                                          kind words kindle.

                        By words withheld,
                                          a dream may dwindle.

	Unknown author.

mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (08/23/83)

Words 8/23/83

Words what are they?
Alone they express nothing.
Cry, laugh, screamed, smiled.
They say nothing alone

I cryed at my wedding
I laughed at the three stooges
I screamed with delight at the magician
I smiled with sadness, at his death.

These say more then the word
A word with no others surrounding
Is a vacuum, in this wordy world
Speak to me in sentences

Touch my heart and mind
I will listen to your words
Your word alone does not speak to me
Open your words to me

My friend I miss you
And the talks are no more
The words seem to be lost
Can we find them again?

Mary Hauck

bing@galbp.UUCP (Bing Bang) (06/08/85)

silent to the end will i be?
and if life is a question too complex
then death is an oversimplification.
but who will hear if i choose to scream?

bing		6/5/85

"Is anything really real?"

nessus@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU (Doug Alan) (07/28/86)

Sometimes I hate words
Almost as much as I hate myself

Words let you ask for things that you don't really want
Words let you ask questions which themselves are lies
Words let you make promises you cannot keep

Words let you use me, without touching me
Without guilt

Memories fade much faster than ink
Words let me put down enough
Not enough to help
But enough so that I can never forget the pain

Words never let me say how I really feel
The important ones -- the ones that mean something
Are way too big to get past my throat
Even when they are small

And the words on my tombstone will be merely
An empty dream
MIT, E40-358a, Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-0147