[net.poems] Untitled

reid (11/11/82)

I sit and I gaze at small things,
and I wonder idly about why and
how and what's for breakfast.
A morning unfolds before me
in a hazy elegance little understood
by friends of the afternoon.
The urgency of the aimless monsters
below my window
and the hope instilled by this
solar renaissance cause me
to smile, when a crumb from the 
scene lands in my hair, and I turn
to embrace the details
of How and When.
A melancholy of lists and lacks
and longings sits beside my quieter
optimism and asks to be heard.
My bowl and my books and my closet
suggest that I take a starboard tack
today, and my feet creak the stairs
with the purposefulness of truancy.
There are businesses everywhere
to-day, which will undoubtedly
require my rapt attention.

Glenn Reid

autilio@hogpc.UUCP (05/02/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 delta 4/26/83; site burl.UUCP
Date:Mon, 2-May-83 16:26:07 EDT

I would relish opinions on this one (e.g. Is it poetry?). I honestly
don't know who wrote it beyond that it was a friend of a friend.

	Dear Shmuck,

     Goober peas on the links,
No stranger to shame with an oyster nurse.

My son, the emperor, spent Christmas on Mars.

I had atomic pinworms
And met some angels in garter belts.

The black in the back of the bus
Tried experiments with soup germs!!

Giggling in the pigweeds,
I met the wackiest crackpot in the booby hatch.

Ever since you held me there,
I've noticed children with misshapen heads.

Die, you stinking bum!!

But I don't go in there,
That's the chamber of the cockeye people.

Quest for the Rawhide smoked meat ranch.

I came to clean up Zosso's summer camp.

Pretend you're attractive
'Cause Satan gets off at ten.

The most common story was about
The violin fights of 1930.

What happened to those wild girls
>From the reformatory?

Let them eat twinkies -
Kiss all you want everybody
'Cause you're all gonna guess whose wife you are.

Oompah Pa and Oompah Ma.

Man the think tanks,
It's the mayor of Wig City!!

Come, enjoy, visit the house of Rhumba.

Remember Junkyard Otto
And the juvenile spit fights?
Well fancy pants, for a handful of fingers
I'd eat off honeymoon sheets!!!



					Pat Autilio

ryl@ihlts.UUCP (05/03/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 delta 4/26/83; site burl.UUCP
Posting-Version:version B 2.10 gamma 4/7/83; site ihlts.UUCP
Date:Mon, 2-May-83 18:35:51 EDT
Organization:BTL Naperville, Il.

  Is it poetry?  No.  Part of poetry is structure and form,
not necessarily rhyme and meter, but at least coherence.
This particular poem doesn't even come close.  I'd guess
that the poem was either machine-generated by picking nouns
and verbs at random, or written by someone describing
a drug experience (I once wrote something very much like
this about the first time I got high on marijuana).
  In the latter case, the poem may make sense and contain
a message for some people in some special circumstances,
but it remains inaccessible to the rest of the population.
If poetry is a method of communication, then rambling random
collections of words do not qualify.

		Just my opinion,
			Bob "Laconic pentameter" Lied
			...ihnp4!ihlts!ryl	BTL-Indian Hill

mike@uniq.UUCP (05/03/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 delta 4/26/83; site burl.UUCP
Date:Mon, 2-May-83 20:36:26 EDT

Well, gee, this "thing" sure flows like poety; at least no worse than
excellent prose. Has anyone out there tried to read Joyce's "Finneagin's
Wake"?  Believe me, this sample here is much, MUCH more coherent, but
the same elements are in it.  Umm, 'handfull of fingers', I'd use a
'handfill' but what the heck.  I really, rally, ehnjoin the grate yoose
of vild imagery and had come up with similar 'things' (again), in my
more poemey-creative daze.  In my mind a "poem" has a point to make,
it has to succeed in making that point, and if it does it in a unique
way, then all the better.  If it's to let off steam for the author,
then perhaps it's a more private-type "poem"; if it trys to offer a
different view of the world, OK.  Poets/musicians/artists are plugged
into the world a little tighter than the standard populus (eh?), and
so, I feel, they *really* respond to weirdness/changes/dangers better
(and quicker) than most.  I said 'screw the world' a long time ago,
in order to keep what self-esteem I might have had at the time, and so,
now, I just can't write anymore - it's like 'who cares', 'so what'...
This 'poem' that I'm *supposed* to be discussing is OK, a yes vote from
me... not a great piece of craziness, but typical of 'good' bizarre writings
that I have seen.  I admit that a bit more continuity would have helped
(I *love* variations on a theme!), but a few more re-readings will probably
bring that out.  Any votes for net.joyce ?!?!?!?
	Take care -
				Mike Hall

ccf@cbosgd.UUCP (Chuck F.) (03/05/84)

	What is intestinal gas, to me?
	Does the moon waver?
	Do the stars coalesce?
	Those who care, rocks of society,
	May weep, or shed a tear.
	Not I!  I stand tall, and proud,
	Father of the vaporous spirit,
	Master of the ship,
	Captain of the unplumbed depths.
	Noble thought!  I think!  I am!
	I pass another existence, experimentally.

				*<--- chuck --->*

				BTL Columbus

rajeev@sftri.UUCP (S.Rajeev) (12/08/84)

	Pale shafts of soot-filtered light
	Grey snow melts in foul puddles
	Unborn chemical spills lurk
	Winter. New Jersey.
...ihnp4!btlunix!rajeev   -- usenet
ihnp4!btlunix!rajeev@BERKELEY   -- arpanet
Sri Rajeev, SF 1-342, Bell Labs, Summit, NJ 07901. (201)-522-6330.

emneufeld@water.UUCP (emneufeld) (04/12/85)


Don't trip on the beer bottles they're full of cigarette butts
and be sure to jiggle the lever a little bit
otherwise water will be running all night
this place is such a dive
Just once I'd like to spend
the whole night in bed, not get up even once
except then I couldn't drink as much

why don't you use an ashtray, you can empty them, they don't stink so much

I'm going to quit smoking in June, I'm sick of the smell too
start jogging maybe play some sports again

Speaking of smell, when was the last time you washed your sheets
You know I like to stay the night 
but when the sun comes in the window
in the morning I could die
and besides the odour makes me think of a morgue

I like it when you stay the night hey 
while you're up would you mind seeing if there's anything left to drink 
I'm starting to feel wide awake again
and I need some sleep I've got to be up early for work

If you have any more liquor you'll still be drunk when you wake up
There's a bit of white rum half an ounce at most
and a little bit of red wine
Sometimes I'd love to have the money you spend on booze

Mix em up that'll make me sleepy anyway
that's how I started drinking when I was a kid
taking a little bit from each one of the bottles in Dad's liquor cabinet
Well it wasn't really a liquor cabinet, 
he just kept the bottles under the sink in the kitchen
I mixed up some pretty powerful cocktails before I knew what I was doing

Oh so now you know what you're doing
that sure as hell is news to me
I don't like watching you get stewed every night I'm here
because I know you drink yourself to sleep every night I'm working out of town
if I hadn't seen with my own eyes how happy you are working around the house
I never would have said yes
Here's your drink, what do you call it?

I'd have to name this hybrid after Mendel
Grape Mendel 
doesn't taste too bad but I just want to get high
wasn't it warm today and no wind too
I think it'll be safe to put in the bedding plants this weekend
you going to be around?
sometimes I just think of all the tomatoes we're going to eat this fall

but I get the first one!

no, no you have to share the first one with me
you can have the second one all to yourself 
then we'll be giving them away
all those tomatoes
tomatoes and green onions

you dozing off
you asleep?
I'll set the alarm for seven-thirty

Comments welcome.

don@hcrvx1.UUCP (Don McKillican) (07/17/85)

	The pilot
	  looks down at the clouds,
	    and laughs.

	Donald McKillican

don@hcrvx1.UUCP (Don McKillican) (11/11/85)

	Her face etched in clean lines
	of cold fury, she spake
	the Word,

		  and leaves me looking
	at this stump
		  of my life.

Don McKillican
Human Computing Resources Corp.

don@hcrvax.UUCP (Don McKillican) (12/31/85)

to my fellow apartment dwellers...

	There dwells a monster in my kitchen,
	an awful, heartless, greedy monster.

	In the dark of the early morning I arm myself
	(quietly!), furtively creep to the kitchen
	(shaking-knees), pause at the doorway,
	sweaty-hands, swallowing dry-tongued,
	heart fills my throat - NOW!


	the monster not here,
	my kitchen is safe for breakfast, Hooray!
	Yet still through suddenly sagging knees
	and heavy arms, I know I've won
	no lasting peace of mind; indeed tomorrow
	I needs must arm myself again.
					Oh gods!
	Spare me from the fury of the dreaded
	C O C K R O A C H !

mhb@mtx5a.UUCP (q) (06/18/86)

From across the concrete highway
where the city people
await death in air-cooled cubicles
comes a lone figure on horseback
to ride off into the sunset
which appears to him occasionally
through the smog.
    - mhb/explorer, philosopher and software developer at large

mhb@mtx5a.UUCP (q) (06/18/86)

At the last frozen moment of my life
within the embrace of death itself
those that I had known
will be but memories
and I shall mourn for them all ...

A final farewell
to all those who were
and never shall be again ...

For once lost
in the eternal silence of non-existence
I shall not even remember my own name.
    -mhb/explorer, philosopher and software developer at large

mhb@mtx5a.UUCP (q) (06/18/86)

Like the material stoic who denies himself the expectation of pleasure
and sustenance to save himself from the disappointment of anguish and
hunger, I deny myself the expectation of salvation to save myself from
the disappointment of a realization - the realization that I am
inevitably approaching the termination of my very existence.
A realization need not be fully comprehended in all its subtle entirety
to strike paralyzing fear into the deep-core of a man ... a mere reminder
to his subconscious jolts him awake to the horror he has really known
all the while.
      - mhb/explorer, philosopher and software developer at large

mckillic@genat.UUCP (Don Mckillican) (08/04/86)

	See the serried ranks!
	standing proud in the strong sunlight,
	straight lines resplendent in red and white, cutting
	across the green fields like a flashing sword.

		I stand with them.
		I thrill to the trumpets and the light.
		I am invincible.

	See the serried ranks!
	striding strong across the green fields, cutting
	like a flashing sword in the strong sunlight.
	See the serried ranks,
	straight lines resplendent in blue and white, striding
	strong across the green fields to meet them.
	See the rifles lower.

		I stride with them.
		I look into the waiting mouths of death.
		I am afraid.

	See the serried ranks
	disintegrate in the rolling hail of lead,
	gaping bodies scattered, cruelly bent,
	no colour to be seen in the gutting smoke,
	but clotting blood.

	See the serried


Don McKillican

Disclaimer: my opinions are my own, not those of Genamation, Inc.
Laus diis immortalibus.

mwm@dartvax.UUCP (M. W. Modrall) (09/10/86)


I've tried to be profound
But I just can't
I've tried to reach beyond my years
And fell short
Oh, I've fooled people with platitudes,
Visions of vogue
But the fact remains that I'm too young
Call me back in 600 years or so.

                           -3/13/83- m.