[net.poems] Atomic Love

shers@mit-caf.ARPA (Alex Sherstinsky) (09/16/86)

                                                 Alex Sherstinsky
                                               September 16, 1986

                           ATOMIC LOVE

                A white bomber dives in on my city,
                Drops a filing that glitters in dawn.
                I rush to the window to see it --
                In full glory, the nuclear bomb.

                Then a flash, only too bright and huge
                Lights horizon and burns through the sky,
                Shock wave wind levels every refuge,
                And all living is instantly fried.

                I must not let in contamination:
                Seal the windows!  Where's the masking tape?
                Can't afford to absorb radiation
                And get sick, for I'm going on a date.

                Mushroom cloud hangs high in the air,
                Dust tornados shrapnel the walls.
                Brush my teeth, comb what's left of my hair,
                And run out to tango and waltz.

                Be it war, be it plague, be it famine,
                Even -- nuclear holocaust,
                If I have a date with you, baby,
                I will make it no matter what!

Unpublished Work Copyright 1986 Alex Sherstinsky