[net.poems] jabberwocky

ecl@ahuta.UUCP (ecl) (11/28/84)

[In honor of WNET running JABBERWOCKY in the New York area this Saturday, this
blast from the past...]
                 A film review by Mark R. Leeper
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
     "To get a little talky.
I must tell you a thing or two
     About the JABBERWOCKY.
The film is planned, I'd say off hand,
     To be a great sensation
By chasing after HOLY GRAIL
     In skillful imitation.
There's quite a lot of filth and rot;
     The people never wash.
For the most part it looks like the art
     Of Hieronymous Bosch.
Special effects are not complex--
     Some matted-in spires,
A decent beast, that is at least
     When you don't see the wires.
Set in the past, they have the cast
     In realistic apparel.
Still with that touch, there's still not much
     Left of the original Carroll.
There was some wit; I do admit
     That some scenes made me laugh.
But still it's not so very hot;
     Rate it 2 1/2."  [on a 1 to 4 scale]

					(Evelyn C. Leeper for)
					Mark R. Leeper

dlong@sdsu.UUCP (Dean Long) (09/25/86)

			Le Jaseroque
			-- ---------

		Il brilgue: les toves lubricilleux
		Se gyrent en vrillant dans le guave.
		Enmimes sont les gougebosqueux
		Et le momerade horsgrave.

		<<Garde-toi du Jaseroque, mon fils!
		La gueule qui mord: la griffe qui prend!
		Garde-toi de l'oiseau Jube, evite
		Le frumieux Band-a-prend!>>

		Son glaive vorpal en main, il va-
		T-a la recherche du fauve manscant;
		Puis arrive a l'arbre Te-te,
		Il y reste, reflechissant.

		Pendant qu'il pense, tout uffuse,
		Le Jaseroque, a l'oeil flambant,
		Vient siblant par le bois tullegeais,
		Et burbule en venant.

		Un deux, un deux, par le milieu,
		Le glaive fait pat-a-pan!
		Le bete defaite, avec sa tete,
		Il rentre gallomphant.

		<<As-tu tue le Jaseroque?
		Viens a mon coeur, fils rayonnais!
		O jour frabbejais! Calleau! Callai!>>
		Il cortule dans sa joie.

		Il brilgue: les toves lubricilleux
		Se gyrent en vrillant dans le guave.
		Enmimes sont les gougebosqueux
		Et le momerade horsgrave.