[net.poems] two poems

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (09/22/83)

	      I have lots of things in my pockets;
	      None of them is worth anything.
	      Sociopolitical whines aside,
	      Gan you give me, gratis, free,
	      The price of half a gallon
	      Of gallo extra bad
	      And most of the bus fare home....

		We love our little Johnny
		He's the best little boy in all the world
		And we wouldn't trade him for anything
		That's how much we love him.

		No, we couldn't live without him
		So that's why, since he died,
		We keep him safe in our G.E. freezer.
		He's so good, so well-behaved,
		Even better than before;
		Oh, such a wonderful kid he is.

		Alice and me, we'll never be lonely,
		Never miss our little Johnny,
		He'll never grow up and leave us
		That's why we love him like we do.



mhauck@ihuxk.UUCP (M.J.Hauck) (11/19/84)

Shadow of life 11/19/84

Shadow of life, you have returned
The night I welcome for its warmth
Be strong, facing what must be

Shadow, you have given me much
Yet what can I do in return
I reach out, but you move back

Shadow, shadow of life, thank you
Travel on, shower the world with yourself
You have returned what I though I had lost

Shadow I look to the future
Your presents has renewed a spirit
That would soon have perished

Mary Hauck

Discovering 11/19/84

I am discovering within me
  a person I did not know existed
She seeks a road that is dangerous
  the stream of passion is hard to cross
Currents swirl and she swims with them
  knowing which way they pull

She runs to the edge and spreads her wings
  untryed and death awaits below
The unknown is a head and she greets it
  with glowing eyes and open arms
I accept her, for she is the hidden me
  I will fly as she flys.

Mary Hauck
It feels good to be writting again!

micro@iwu1a.UUCP (Hauck) (02/25/86)

Listening	2/20/85

In silence I heard your cry
You talked of the future, carefully
In your joy I heard pain

Or did I hear the cry of my own heart
For it breaks in reaction to your words
Yet I am a fool, to feel so

How can I know the future?
And what changes it brings
I will say prayers for you

Mary Hauck

Each of Us	2/20/86

Each searches for and finds, what?
And in finding how do we know
In searching can we be sure
Or have we missed something better
I resolve to change, to do
Given, I use as it best
For dreams can become reality
And I will make mine

Mary Hauck

mckillic@genat.UUCP (Don Mckillican) (10/01/86)


	O Medusa, how hath the envious slandered thee!
	Thou ne'er had'st need of coily snakes,
		nor hideous aspect.
	I know, for I have beheld thee,
		thy calm perfection,
	and I stand rooted, frozen,


	My song,
	    is it not enough that you rob me of my sleep,
	    demanding substance, form?
	    must I also creep about this foreign house
	    at three o'clock in the morning
	    (trying not to disturb anyone),
	    looking for pencil and paper
	    to write you down?

Don McKillican

Disclaimer: no one knows *what* my opinions are.  laus diis immortalibus.