[net.poems] so it goes...

aih@k.cc.purdue.edu (Jeff Bechdol) (10/02/86)



		Well, oft' I wonder nearly ev'ry day,
		Whether it's worth the effort at all.
		I get up, get dressed, go about my way,
		And seem to do nothing but fall.

		Though oft' it seems, I must confess
		Despite all the wains and woes,
		That every day I still get dressed
		Though less graceful now it goes.

		Through all my travel and trips I take,
		The adventure is quite brutal.
		But I remember here what is at stake,
		And decide it must be futile.  

		Then again, I ponder still
		The future and my life.
		And wonder whether not the ill
		Today yield tomorrow less strife.

  		Theoretically it surely must go,
		That there exist a day of bliss.
		But then again I know
		Infinity minus one yields little less.
		So off I go about my way,
		Bumping into doors and walls,
		Until such time there be a day
		When the doors and walls are gone.
