[net.poems] night of the iguana - excerpt

mj@pur-ee.UUCP (Slartibartfast) (10/03/86)

I was up at about 4am last week and saw "NIGHT OF THE IGUANA"
(or most of it) with Richard Burton.  It was great, and at the end
there was a fantastic poem ("fantastic" is a pun, 
if you know the play).

	Anyway, I looked it up, and here it is.  Since this is an
(albeit late) review of the play, no copyright infringement is

        How calmly does the orange branch
        Observe the sky begin to blanch
        Without a cry, without a prayer,
        With no betrayal of despair.

        Sometime while night obscures the tree
        The zenith of its life will be
        Gone past forever, and from thence
        A second history will commence.

        A chronicle no longer gold,
        A bargaining with mist and mould,
        And finally the broken stem
        The plummeting to earth; and then

        An intercourse not well designed
        For beings of a golden kind
        Whose native green must arch above
        The earth's obscene, corrupting love.

        And still the ripe fruit and the branch
        Observe the sky begin to blanch
        Without a cry, without a prayer,
        With no betrayal of despair.

        O Courage, could you not as well
        Select a second place to dwell,
        Not only in that golden tree
        But in the frightened heart of me?

                        From The Night of the Iguana, Act III
                             Tennesee Williams (1961)

Mark A. Johnson - Purdue University Department of Electrical Engineering
		(Department of Redundancy Department) 
UUCP:..allegra!purdue!pur-ee!mj USPS:Box 260, EE Building, Lafayette IN 47907

hope@gatech.EDU (Theodore Hope) (10/03/86)

In article <4764@pur-ee.UUCP> mj@pur-ee.UUCP (Slartibartfast) writes:

>	Anyway, I looked it up, and here it is.

>        How calmly does the orange branch
>        Observe the sky begin to blanch
>        Without a cry, without a prayer,
>        With no betrayal of despair.

>Mark A. Johnson - Purdue University Department of Electrical Engineering

Strange... I could have sworn that the old man says:

	How calmly does the olive branch	(olive, not orange)

It could be that the old man's accent and the fact that the TV / VCR which I saw it on
was less-than hi-fi made me hear 'olive.'  Has anyone out there also heard it this way?

Theodore Hope
School of Information & Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Hope @ gatech		ARPA:	Hope@ics.GATECH.EDU
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!hope