[net.poems] There Comes a Time

melnick@unc.UUCP (Alex Melnick) (10/04/86)

[Song lyric written while walking home at 3.00 a.m. after listening to 
Led Zeppelin II.]

There comes a time when all must die
And none be left behind.
There comes a time when dawn must fly
And take your tired mind.
There comes a time
When reason and rhyme
Must walk the line
They find.

There comes a day, my love will stay
And not leave me behind.
There comes a day, not far away
When my love he will find.
There comes a day
When the blue and gray
Their parts to play

Not a poem, but a request for help:
I'm a singer/guitarist and I'm trying to learn to write songs.  My big
problem is that the above is about the best I can do with lyrics.  I've
tried setting already-published poems to music, but am less than satisfied,
mostly because it's hard to find potential lyrics which aren't already
lyrics.  Would anyone out there be interested in collaboration?  If so,
I'd be happy to swap, say, a tape of my tunes for a sheaf of your poetry,
and let the chips fall where they may.

--Alex   ...!mcnc!unc!melnick

"Woke up in the morning,
 But for you it's yesterday.
 Sit back and watch night-time fade away."