[net.poems] poem

jss (04/17/83)

		Were Helen Faithful...

	Were Helen faithful, and the world at peace,
	Then Troy still stands, and white-haired Priam reigns.
	In Greece, Orestes' parents watch with pride
	Their son and daughters play at childish games.

	Odyseus sleeps at home, all snugly wrapped
	In blankets from his dear wife's busy loom,
	While soldiers everywhere tend sheep,
	Their thoughts unnburdened by averted doom.

	Women and children pass their lives
	Serene in love and safety, without dread,
	And far away in Carthage, Dido's crown
	Remains securely on that Queen's untroubled head.

	The fields of Greece are not neglected now,
	But yield their proper harvest every fall.
	What's Homer, then? A blind old man,
	Mumbling of nothing by a garden wall.

vax1:swifty (04/26/83)


		I tried to talk
		In the eternal
		    of my way.

		Foul in the Foreground
		Down in the room
		Cry and moon.

		I wish deep
		    in the pit of me
		To offer more
		Than can be taken
		To overwhelm the bad
		Talk the good
		Take Her on my heart --

		And swallow up
		Eat It
		    Take the awful
		To myself

(From "When the Sun's Aboard the Wind," by Timothy F. Crews, 1966.
Does anyone if he is still around?)

Steve Swift

rene@umcp-cs.UUCP (11/03/83)

		Green Dreams

I can shed heavy robes, and official jewelry
and take to the simple skies
on the back that fits so smoothly
	I hurry to her den
		shaking my hair loose
		  from the encumbering diadem
   	   greeted gleefully with a snarling roar
	We rise, Nasha and I
wings thrusting great hurricane gusts as we
		defiantly greet nebulous clouds
	Wings stretched taut,
		we glide and circle
		ignoring the tug of earth
	  alone (together)
	woman and dragon
	common thirst binds tight
		(open expanses
		  blue-green sky
			cold whistling wind past my blinking eyes)
			Nasha flies
		green dream
		sparkling, sinuous
	   snaking tail curls and twists
	   the world turns beneath us
		leaps upward
Landing, we belong
		to the world

	I have
					    (green dreams)
Arpa:   rene.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay

bob@security.UUCP (Bob Jordan esq.) (01/30/85)

		(In memory of Chris)

                We are given
                    so little time-
                        therefore, one
                should never dwell
                    upon that which
                        cannot be altered.

                I presented many things
                    to you,
                       received your gratitude
		but rarely acknowleged;
                    performing the right actions
                       for the wrong reasons.
                    there could have
                        been more
                so much more...
                    and yet (for you)
                        it sufficed.

		We had been though this
                        even talked about it.
                What we know
                    we somehow manage
                        to learn again.

                In a very short span
                    of time
                        I have been forced
                to understand many
                        -I have
                come to know
                    of Love-
                        and death
                is not a conclusion;
                    it's just
                        a brief interlude.

sol@tty3b.UUCP (9-13-84"Solveig 94120) (02/15/85)

                         Last Night

      I dreamt last night of a flying place
      A place that no one knows and
      Red-winged gulls were gathered in
      The evening sky
      Where no one goes.

      The ocean roared and sighed to me
      Of things no one can hear as
      Blue-eyed through the misty breeze I
      Walked alone
      Along the pier.

      I saw a fire as hot as suns
      I felt the monster's breath as
      Yellow-haired she stalked the earth
      The song of life
      The chant of death.

      I dreamt last night of a flying place
      A place that no one knows and
      Black was the color
      White was the sound and
      Grey was I
      A shadow
                      on the

                                                    Solveig Whittle

purtell@reed.UUCP (Elizabeth Purtell) (02/27/85)

I met him not so long ago,
And yet, things are very different now.
I saw him then,
And now, though he looks the same,
I see him very differently.

He is an actor.
He is also a person.
But I am not always certain,
When he is one,
And when the other.

He told me that I was beautiful,
Once, what seems like long ago.
But did he really mean it?
Or was it just a line from a play,
From Shaw or O'Neill?

When he sees me,
Does he see who I am?
Or does he only see another player,
Someone who is saying their lines on cue?
Does he even care which one I am?

I remember, the first time we made love.
It was right after a play he had acted in.
But was it really making love to him,
Or was he still on stage,
Just playing another role,
In which I was merely a bit part?

Elizabeth Purtell

(Lady Godiva)

tag@ucbvax.ARPA (Todd Gross) (07/03/85)

		Sonnet I

I stand before my love, consumed in trembling fire
Kept safe within a hearth, enveloped by desire.
His fingers are like flames alight upon my skin
That pop and flicker almost aimlessly about.
One can't but sense a golden soul lay deep within
Where pale orange and pink dance fluidly about.
But cannot flaming arrows set to ruin the steady fort?
And cannot fingers cage the bird they mean to but support?
Where can the fortress hide, pray tell, and where the songbird sing
Her song of restfulness, if mockingbirds lie back in wake?
I stand aglow from treasures that my love sought fit to bring
But he stays unilluminated by the gifts he take.
If Lyric be the means for Man to have his yearnings heard
Poetic justice t'be to put to him his blessed word.

					-- Todd Gross

"I don't am, I meta-am" 

bob@security.UUCP (Bob Jordan) (09/23/85)


 When the inside of a flower
     has been sniffed repeatedly
	 some of the powder is rubbed off
 and there is little smell left.
     This not diminish in any way
	 the beauty of the flower.

 We men can be very ignorant
     at times, we can be so cruel.
	 As you became my flower, unfolding,
 I idled away many hours
     delighting in your smell. Eventually
	 I became used to it, so that

 it had become commonplace. Well,
     we both remember what followed.
	 I tried to discard my
 little blossom because I imagined
     the smell had left it.
	 And if you had never come to me,

 standing bravely before me-
     no, I wouldn't have seen your tears;
	 and would have
 never known the beauty
     of my flower's petals
	 sparkling with dew.
"OK guys.  Blues in B.  Watch me for the changes, and try to keep up."

  security!bob@mitre-bedford.ARPA                               (MIL)
 {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!bob     (UUCP)

parris@itcatl.UUCP (01/25/86)

	I used to think I knew 
	    What the world was all about
	I used to think I knew
	    Where people hurt...

	I used to belive that anyone or anybody
	    Was capable of knowing what was wrong

	and I used to want to stop the pain and want.

	But the years have made me tired
	    And the embers are dying out
	And even if I wanted to
	    I think I'm too old to care...

	If I had a son
	    I think that I could live
	And if I had a daughter
	    I think that I could give

	But in a world that lacks any sense
	    Could he make a difference?

	Would anybody listen?
	Would anybody Care?

	Would anybody want to try to change?

	Or does everybody feel as old as I?

	Just another late night rambling from gatech!itc!parris...   Parris

parris@itcatl.UUCP (Parris Hughes) (02/06/86)

I don't like to try to name these things.  I never should have named
"Guilt...".  By the way, I only got one (mixed) response on that.  Please
voice your opinions.  My CORRECT net addr is gatech!itcatl!parris.

Meanwhile in a place
    That we all call forgotten
Is a man with a memory
    A piece of what was left.

A chorus never sung
    Waters never tested
A branch in the tree of time
    Where no bird has ever nested

He looks upon its surface
    And sees the dreams he used to know
Before the truth of life had touched him
    Before the tide of youth ebbed low

And every day he holds it up
    And every day he shines it...
He blows hot breath upon it
    And when he sleeps he binds it

But every day the colours
    Wash away with tears
And as it fades so does the man
    Who only now knows what he really fears.


robin@gitpyr.UUCP (Robin Cutshaw) (02/06/86)

I really don't like naming these things.  I never should have named "Guilt...".
I only got one (mixed) response on that.  Voice your opinion.  My CORRECT
net addr is gatech!itcatl!parris.

Meanwhile in a place
    That we all call forgotten
Is a man with a memory
    A piece of what was left.

A chorus never sung
    Waters never tested
A branch in the tree of time
    Where no bird has ever nested

He looks upon its surface
    And sees the dreams he used to know
Before the truth of life had touched him
    Before the tide of youth ebbed low

Every day he looks upon it
    And every day he shines it
He blows hot breath upon it
    And when he sleeps he binds it

But every day the colours
    Wash away with tears
And as it fades so does the man
    Who only now knows what he really fears.


sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (02/08/86)

Hamlet knew it, when Shakespeare
sent him early to his death, for practice;
and two millenia before them, Socrates
as wise as anyone, I suppose, knew it
maintaining philosophers should spend their lives
rehearsing one breathless moment's movement
toward the unknown; and you know it:
sometime, anytime, toothbrush in hand, or fork,
or at the office when the vault of some filecabinet
yawns more ominously than usual, or later
in bed with your lover, perhaps, practicing at life,
you hear a click, or your ear buzzes you dizzy
on a summer's day, or against the cool, fresh pillow
you make out a muted thumping, and behind it,
beyond it, around it, nothing, for the rest IS silence.

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (02/23/86)

On the cool September morning
after rain
in an old house
shuttered against the unexpected weather
the baby stands over and again
and walks and falls.
Though it is much easier to crawl
from one point to another, more efficient, safer
the baby stands over and again
and walks and falls.
I see in her how many millions?
Man must walk, man must raise
the aristocracy of his hands
reachers for far, high things,
man must sieze his Adam.
On the cool September morning
with this one gesture the jungle is put by,
the ritual of our deepest instinct
repeats itself: the race rises from its knees
to claim dominion: the baby walks.

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (02/23/86)

About the forehead only a slight grimace
speaks of something human, something flawed.
The mouth large, open like a kiss.
The eyes tightly closed, as if she were 
a saint seeing God in the darkness.
The cheeks hard and smooth, like stone
water has polished for an eternity.
Did someone really live in this face?

sw088909@sjuvax.UUCP (walker) (02/28/86)

                    Trapped Within a Dream

                          Here I am
               Emersed in a love I cannot show
                          Here I am
           Trapped within a dream that you'll never know
                    The silly games I play
                     Because I cannot say
                   My feelings grew each day
               Until I knew I was in love with you

                          Here I am
           Hoping that you'll understand how I feel
                          Here I am
           Wondering why I'm telling you what I feel
                      I'm tired of this lie
                    So I'll just have to try
                    To come to terms with my
           Love for you and hope my dream comes true

                          Here I am
             Knowing that I'm just wishing on a star
			  Here I am
             Knowing that dreaming won't get me far
		       This is reality
                    There is no you and me
                    I know you'll never see
            How much I care and always will be there					

                          Here I am
            Locked within a love that I can't break
                          Here I am
          Not knowing how much more of this I can take
                    I know you love her so
                     And I will never show
                      My feelings as I go
              Out on my own living my life alone.

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (03/06/86)

Like a fig, or maybe like the universe
I open you, and this is the emblem of my love
like a rose, or a ring. Older than youth
your body beckons, and through a moment
from eternity to eternity I pass.
Your hair is a jungle hot with endless August,
your breasts fresher and smoother than sand-dunes
in the morning, teased by a Sophoclean sea;
for there is something ageless to you, like the sea,
some prism in you of this human life
counting its minutes in ashes, and yielding
its moments to eternity. Like a fig
you define for me this moment, like that one
when we watched a dove sing through the air
on a day in spring too fragile to remember
except in you, when we clung together
under the universe in our passing.

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (03/06/86)


The light as usual enters from the left
    To fill the almost empty room;
Her hands, practiced, meticulous, and deft,
    Attend the rich laces on her loom.

In detailed miniature she pours her fine
    Devotion, soul, and female heart.
Her eyes, like Milton's, someday may go blind
    From the long peering of her art.

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (03/19/86)


I enter the black room like a cave.
After a few minutes, which a clock somewhere
remarks, my eyes follow after me.

She is standing near the high, old-fashioned bed.
Under the silk of the nightgown her body
quivers and trembles like a young doe,
or the sun melting in a tree in evening.

My eyes dive on her like eagles
and hold her as we wrestle
into nakedness. Clad only 
in the transparent dark, I adore her,
I kiss her into stillness, into stone.

by Jeffery Alan Triggs

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (03/19/86)

As I return home from you
the sky embraces me in your stead,
the landscape in reverse rises to greet me
with strange familiarity like an early hour.
Though I am still wearing the kisses
you clothed me with, I grow small and cold
under the breathing galaxies of night.
Everything tempts me from you:
the road, the voluptuous flowered air,
the full moon riding in my windshield,
the forest's lush and laboring undergrowth.
If I am to return to you some night
so full of ardor and high hope
I must scatter bits of my love along the way.

by Jeffery Alan Triggs

dmf2@lcuxb.UUCP (Giget) (03/20/86)

          Why can't we be honest
          even me
          who hates those who deceive, pretend to be
          just what I want

          Vulnerable, waiting
          yet so damn strong
          sometimes unaffected
          all alone
          by myself

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (03/30/86)

After a meeting
the men of importance vanish away
(as we have known they would)
the boardroom empties of its echoes and events.

Only a typewriter sounds: an etude stripped of its melody
a last, dry protest against silence
(doubtless, the secretary at her work
preserving the minutes where time and tide won't wait).

Jeffery Alan Triggs

at8j@batcomput (04/29/86)


white lips
split like shattered procelain
eyes dead
where has he gone?
the sweet dream whisperer
gifter of madness, supreme and sublime
stale smoke
tasting of withered mother's teats
suffocates and deludes
wind, eternal wind
blow me away
I am not of this place
I am lost and the sun sets
and sets and sets

Ryerson Schwark

jeltz@vogon.UUCP (Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz) (05/10/86)

Oh freddled gruntbuggly! Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled grabbleblotchits in a lurgid bee.
Groop! I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes
And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindle werdles
For otherwise I will rend thee in the gobberwarts
With my blurglecruncheon see if I don't.

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (06/06/86)

Each day you plunge with glee into your future,
eagerly trying on our words and customs like new clothes,
tearing into the world around you like a Christmas package,
and there is no stopping you. You belie
in a moment the thousand snapshots we have taken.
In one, you stand in your bliss of Christmas morning
in the midst of half an hour's crumpled wrapping paper.
Morning sunlight streams in the window to light up
your hair (golden and bronze) and the bubbles
that your mother blows to you, drawing
from your face its fascinated, grave look.
Absurdly long I've pondered the forms of the bubbles
round, or elliptical with the force of your mother's breath,
each with a drop of sunlight. These lasted a wink
and burst before they'd floated to the floor,
yet together with the wrapping paper, and you, then,
they are here made immemorial forms:
I have stopped time then-- but, of course, this is a lie.
Sometimes I do not sleep, thinking of the bubbles.
Sometimes it grieves me to see you so precocious,
so eager, throwing away your Eden with two hands.
Sometimes I would beg forgiveness for the future
I have bequeathed you, full of unexplainable pain.
Yet my real gift will be to help you there, where you want to go,
to seasons sweet as this incipient spring,
to mornings like this, rinsed with sunlight and the song of birds
and beautiful in their passing.

ahr@ariel.UUCP (T.A.ROOLAART) (07/16/86)

I am mainly a songwriter/musician by hobby and heart but have
found many times the feeling to write jsut words without melodies...

Ton Roolaart      ..!oberon!ahrbh

       LLLLeeeeaaaarrrrnnnneeeedddd SSSSoooonnnngggg

                           (September 6, 1982)

                 _E_n_l_i_g_h_t_e_n_e_d _e_x_p_e_r_i_e_n_c_e_s _I _p_a_s_s _o_n _m_y _w_a_y
               _E_n_g_r_a_v_e _r_e_s_o_u_n_d_i_n_g _s_e_n_s_a_t_i_o_n_s _f_i_l_l_i_n_g _m_y _d_a_y
                 _P_o_n_d_e_r_i_n_g _o_n _t_h_e _t_h_i_n_g_s _I _p_a_s_s _o_n _m_y _w_a_y
                _I _f_e_e_l _t_h_e _s_p_a_c_i_o_u_s_n_e_s_s _o_f _m_y _s_u_r_r_o_u_n_d_i_n_g_s
         _T_h_e_n, _t_h_e _h_a_r_m_o_n_i_o_u_s _t_o_n_e_s _o_f _t_h_e _r_e_s_o_u_n_d_i_n_g _s_e_n_s_a_t_i_o_n_s
                _w_i_t_h_i_n _m_e _c_o_m_b_i_n_e _i_n_t_o _a _l_e_a_r_n_e_d _s_o_n_g _a_n_d
           _I _s_i_n_g _o_u_t _f_r_e_e_l_y - _r_e_f_l_e_c_t_i_n_g _i_n_n_e_r _v_i_b_r_a_t_i_o_n_s _t_h_a_t
               _f_i_l_l _a_n _i_n_s_t_r_u_m_e_n_t _o_f _t_h_e _o_r_c_h_e_s_t_r_i_a_l _w_o_r_l_d

                       _r_e_s_o_u_n_d_i_n_g _i_n_n_e_r _s_e_n_s_a_t_i_o_n_s
                        _r_e_s_o_u_n_d_i_n_g _m_y _s_u_r_r_o_u_n_d_i_n_g_s
                         _r_e_s_o_u_n_d_i_n_g _l_i_f_e _a_n_d _l_o_v_e

sara@mhuxj.UUCP (TRIGS) (08/15/86)

A Problem of Shadows- for Charlotte Elena

On our evening walk
inexplicable shadows grow about us
nets of branches and leaves, huge trunks
thrown down in our path, strange, dark
elongated likenesses of ourselves.
You are frightened by your own shadow,
sometimes behind, sometimes in front of you,
now vanishing suddenly under a light.
It is no use to offer the explanations
of scientists; for you these phenomena
are still magical, in your eyes, still
the wild lights. Not wishing to hurt your shadow
stepping on it, you stop, still. Now there are
no practicalities of destination, only
existential terror, existential pity.
And am I now to help you over the magic of this
vague, airy thing that clings to your body
and will cling for as long as you are in the light?
by Jeffery Alan Triggs

alm@tekecs.UUCP (10/20/86)

The following is appended to a painting my wife did of a lighthouse on the
Oregon coast. Try to envision it as you read:

                    I Care

On barren rock, the lighthouse stood,
The sea, the rain, the wind withstood.
But now it makes no mournful sound
To tell the sailors rocks abound.

No lighthouse keep is living there.
The lights are gone, the moorage bare -
Just barnacles, and nests of birds,
And lonliness to great for words.

The sea care not for works of men:
The waves will pound, and pound again.
The sun will beat, the wind will blow.
Windows will break, and rot will grow.

The day will come when nought is there.
The sea will win, and who will care?
But I have cared - this view will last,
To help you know what then is past.