[net.poems] can you identify this poem?

guy@enmasse.UUCP (The Computer Guy) (11/10/86)

This is from memory, probably inaccurate.  Can anyone tell me
who the poet is and provide me with the canonical text?

	their noses are tied to very small helicopters
	and if you wondered why they are always looking up
	but never stay in one place very long
	now you know

	take today
	the window washers were hung up
	couldn't go up or down
	couldn't go in the windows
	windows don't open (made that way)
	they would have liked to have stayed
	to see how it all came out
	but the helicopters were ready to move on
	to a suicide threat down the street

	must go now
	can't lower your face or your nose breaks off
                                           -- guy k hillyer

"Billions of blue blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon!"