[net.micro.68k] SMUG sign-up

t-krgr (03/08/83)

Early indications are that there will be substantial interest in the
Serious Micro Users Group (SMUG) that was announced last week in
net.micro and net.micro.16k,


SMUG will use US mail, so PLEASE send along an address at which you can
receive a newsletter!  Thanks!

		--- Serious Micro Users Group (SMUG) ---
will, on a non-profit and non-aligned basis, collect and disseminate
information on the rapidly increasing collection of hardware and software
technologies that aspire to performance and features of systems in the
VAX-11/750/780/+++ range.  System architectures of all types are fair game:
(68k/16k/80xxx/432/.../....)  To indicate your interest, send your name and
US mailing address to SMUG, c/o M. Krueger, 8-6 Concord Greene,
Concord, MA 02134.  (This is a temporary address for SMUG which will change
once newsletters begin.)