[net.micro.68k] PM68D board

leovm@tjalk.UUCP (Leo van Moergestel) (11/05/84)


As a followup to my article of a month ago

> We have a network of 8 68000 systems connected by a pronet token ring.
> The CPU board is a PM68D board of Pacific Microcomputers. These boards
> are multibus boards with a 10 MHz 68000, 256K dual ported ram, 2 serial
> ports, a parallel port, timers and memory management (address translating
> rams with some PLA logic).
> These PM68D boards are functioning well, except for a small but irritating
> hardware error which takes place, when the memory management registers are 
> manipulated. The first byte of a segment is sometimes changed in a random
> value.
> I would like to hear from people who are using PM68D boards, what their
> experiences are and especially, if they have the same problem, what solution
> they found.  We don't know what causes the problem. Any suggestions are 
> welcome.
> Please respond by electronic mail. I'll keep the net informed about the
> results.

I would like to give the results I got. Because of my original posting I
got in contact with two engineers of Pacific Microcomputers who developed the 
PM68D board. They offered help and after sending them some detailed hardware 
information, it turned out that the organization in Europe, which sold us the 
boards, had given us boards with out of date PLA's. Further they never 
informed us about upgrades, although I contacted them about our problems.

Pacific Microcomputers is now trying to deliver me the new PLA's, which will,
as they expect, solve the problems I have.

Leo van Moergestel ...!{seismo|decvax|philabs}!mcvax!vu44!leovm