[net.micro.68k] 680xx architecture analysis - part 3.a

doug@oakhill.UUCP (Doug MacGregor) (12/14/84)

                M68000 Architecture Analysis - Part III.a

         Below are a  few  samples  of  the  data  that  can  be
    obtained  using this evaluation package.  These examples are
    from a variety of source data.  They are intended  as  exam-
    ples  of  the  evaluations available and are not meant to be
    taken as representative of  the  68000  family.   The  first
    information  shown  describes the average number of accesses
    that take place during an instruction.  These are  described
    in terms of the total number of accesses as well as the type
    of accesses.  In conjunction  with  the  evaluation  of  the
    68020  where  the instruction cache provides some confusion,
    it is possible to specify a cache hit rate  or  (as  in  the
    example below) show the behavior for both the cache disabled
    and the cache hitting 100% to see  the  range  of  activity.
    Also  shown  are  the  percentages  of  the various types of
    accesses.  Finally, there is  shown  the  number  of  clocks
    required  for  execution  for various number of wait states.
    This figure can be used to  derive  the  average  number  of
    clocks  per  instruction by dividing the number of clocks by
    the number of instructions shown at the top.  These  charac-
    teristics can be observed for any processor in the family.
                Sample of  1000000. instructions     

                                 no cache     cache 
type of access                 access/inst access/inst
total instruction accesses        0.957      0.000 
total data reads                  0.386      0.387 
total data writes                 0.244      0.244 
total accesses                    1.587      0.631 

                       no cache     cache 
type of access         percent     percent 
instruction accesses    60.311      0.000 
data reads              24.319      61.351 
data writes             15.370      38.649 

# of wait states       no cache clocks    cache clocks
  0   -                 7712343.5   -      6403860.5  
  1   -                 9298905.0   -      7034788.0  
  2   -                10885471.0   -      7665718.5  
  3   -                12472027.0   -      8296648.5  
  4   -                14058602.0   -      8927580.0  
  5   -                15645174.0   -      9558510.0  
  6   -                17231740.0   -     10189435.0  
  7   -                18818300.0   -     10820366.0  
  8   -                20404854.0   -     11451297.0  
  9   -                21991436.0   -     12082221.0  
  10  -                23577988.0   -     12713153.0  
  11  -                25164560.0   -     13344083.0  
  12  -                26751122.0   -     13975011.0  
  13  -                28337688.0   -     14605933.0  
    The next plot shows the expected performance level  for  any
    of  the  processors  at any clock frequency at system access
    times from 0 to 600ns.  As above, the effect of the cache on
    the  68020 can be either explicitly stated as a hit rate, or
    the performance of the machine with and  without  the  cache
    can  be  observed.   The performance is measured in terms of
    68000 MIPS (millions of instructions executed  per  second).
    This  provides  a reasonable performance measure between the
    elements of the family.  One of the goals of this  study  is
    to  better  understand  the relationship of a 68000 MIP to a
    68020 MIP throughout various applications.  For these  plots
    the  system  access  time is measured as the time from valid
    address to data.

            PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS of   MC68020 at various speeds          

68000                                                Cache 100% Hit Rate 1 = 16.00Mhz   2 = 20.00Mhz   3 = 24.00Mhz
MIPS            Sample of  1000000. instructions     Cache Disabled      a = 16.00Mhz   b = 20.00Mhz   c = 24.00Mhz
  5.50  + 
  5.00  + 
  4.50  + 
  4.00  + 
        | 3333333333333 
  3.50  +
        |              33333333
        | ccccccccccccc2222    33333333
  3.00  + 
        |                              333333333
        |                  2222222222
        |                                       33333333
        |              cccccccc      2222222222
  2.50  + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb111111                       33333333
        |                                      2222222222
        |                                                       33333333
        |                      cccccccc1111111           2222222222     33333333
        |                  bbbbbbbbbb         111111111111                      333333333
  2.00  + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                                  2222222222            33333333
        |                              ccccccccc          1111111111111      2222222222          33333333
        |                            bbbbbbbbbb                        111111111111    2222222222        33333333
        |                        aaaaaaaaaaaaa  cccccccc                                         2222222222      33333333
        |                                      bbbbbbbbbb                          111111111111            2222222222    333333333
  1.50  +                                               cccccccc                               1111111111111         2222222222
        |                                     aaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbcccccccc                                    1111111111111111111222
        |                                                 aaaaaaaaabbbbbcccccccc
        |                                                              aaaaaabbbccccccccccccccccc
  1.00  +                                                                          aaaabbbbbbbbbbcccccccc
        |                                                                                      aabbbbbbbbcccccccccccccccc
        |                                                                                                   aaaaaaaaabbbbccccccccc
        |                                                                                                               aaaaaaabbb
  0.50  + 
  0.00  + 
                  50       100       150       200       250       300       350       400       450       500       550       600
                                 TOTAL SYSTEM ACCESS TIME - (ADDRESS TO DATA)        
    Similar to the performance plots, the plots of bus  utiliza-
    tion  indicate the percentage of the bus that is utilized by
    a particular processor over a given range of  system  access
    times.   As  in  other cases the 68020 cache characteristics
    can be specified or as a default both disabled case and 100%
    hit rates are provided.  It is possible to see the introduc-
    tion of wait states as system access time  increases  for  a
    particular processor and clock rate.  The measurement of the
    bus utilization can be useful in determining the behavior of
    the  processor  in a system in which there are multiple pro-
    cessors using a common bus, or in a system with multiple bus

        BUS UTILIZATION ANALYSIS of   MC68020 at various speeds       

                                                     Cache 100% Hit Rate 1 = 16.00Mhz   2 = 20.00Mhz   3 = 24.00Mhz
% of Bus Used   Sample of  1000000. instructions     Cache Disabled      a = 16.00Mhz   b = 20.00Mhz   c = 24.00Mhz
  100.0 + 
   90.0 + 
        |                                                                                                  cccccccccccccccccccccbb
        |                                                                                  cccccccccccccccc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb  
        |                                                                 ccccccccccccccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        |                                                         cccccccc    bbbbbbbbbb       aaaaaaaaaaaaa
   80.0 +                                                 cccccccc  bbbbbbbbbb     aaaaaaaaaaaa 
        |                                         ccccccccbbbbbbbbbb   aaaaaaaaaaaa 
        |                                cccccccbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        |                        cccccbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaa
   70.0 + 
        |                cccbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaa                                                                             3333333
        |                                                                                                  3333333333333333     22
        |                                                                                          33333333           2222222222  
        |                                                                                  33333333         2222222222
   60.0 + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                                                 333333333       2222222222            1111111111
        |                                                                 33333333      2222222222          111111111111
        |                                                         33333333    2222222222       1111111111111
        |                                                 33333333  2222222222     111111111111
   50.0 +                                                                                      
        |                                         333333332222222222   111111111111
        |                                333333322222222221111111111111
   40.0 +                        3333322222222111111111111
        |                333222221111111111111
   30.0 +
        | 11111111111111111111111
   20.0 +
   10.0 +
                  50       100       150       200       250       300       350       400       450       500       550       600
                                 TOTAL SYSTEM ACCESS TIME - (ADDRESS TO DATA)        

    In the  following  tables  the  dynamic  frequency  and  the
    dynamic  execution  times for various categories of instruc-
    tions and addressing modes are presented.  The  first  table
    provides  a  general  breakdown  of  instruction categories.
    This is elaborated upon in the second table where  the  type
    of  instruction are broken into categories with much greater

General Class      Dynamic Freqency  Dynamic Execution Time 
    MOVES               = 33.51         = 32.42 
    BRANCH/JUMP         = 23.95         = 26.34 
    CMP/TST             = 11.13         = 11.55 
    ARITH/LOGICAL       = 16.53         = 13.98 
    SUBROUTINE          =  3.39         =  5.60 
    MISCELLANEOUS       = 10.76         = 10.08 
                       ----------       ----------   
Total                     99.27           99.98      



General Class      Dynamic Freqency  Dynamic Execution Time 
    MOVES               = 33.51         = 32.42 
        Move reg,reg        =  3.05         =  0.96 
        Move reg,mem        =  6.39         =  4.82 
        Move mem,reg        = 16.06         = 17.29 
        Move mem,mem        =  7.54         =  8.92 
        Movem               =  0.03         =  0.15 
        Swap                =  0.44         =  0.28 
    BRANCH/JUMP         = 23.95         = 26.34 
        Bcc                 = 15.03         = 15.11 
        DBcc                =  8.37         = 10.53 
        Jmp                 =  0.56         =  0.71 
    CMP/TST             = 11.13         = 11.55 
        Cmp                 =  8.04         =  8.25 
        Tst                 =  3.09         =  3.31 
    ARITH/LOGICAL       = 16.53         = 13.98 
        Arith/Logic         =  8.04         =  8.25 
        Addx/Subx           =  0.00         =  0.00 
        Eor                 =  0.30         =  0.10 
        Mul                 =  0.62         =  2.80 
        Div                 =  0.15         =  1.20 
        Shift               =  2.93         =  1.87 
        Rotate              =  0.38         =  0.24 
        Ext                 =  0.88         =  0.55 
    SUBROUTINE          =  3.39         =  5.60 
        Bsr                 =  0.98         =  1.39 
        Jsr                 =  0.71         =  1.01 
        Rts                 =  1.69         =  3.19 
    MISCELLANEOUS       = 10.76         = 10.08 

        Bit                 =  0.40         =  0.40 
        Clr                 =  2.82         =  2.57 
        Lea                 =  2.41         =  2.05 
        Pea                 =  1.93         =  2.15 
        Link                =  1.38         =  1.09 
        Unlink              =  1.38         =  1.31 
        Scc                 =  0.43         =  0.53 
                       ----------       ----------   
Total                     99.27             99.98  
    Both  the  source  and  destination  addressing  modes   are
    categorized.   These  categories can be a good indication of
    how operands are being accessed and thus how the machine  is
    dealing with operands in memory and with registers.


General Class      Dynamic Freqency  Dynamic Execution Time 
    NONE                = 35.35         = 36.38 
    REGISTER DIRECT     = 12.74         =  8.76 
        Dn                  =  2.32         =  1.99 
        An                  =  1.47         =  1.14 
        Rn                  =  8.95         =  5.62 
    REGISTER INDIRECT   = 28.66         = 34.75 
        (An)                =  3.38         =  3.42 
        (An)+               =  4.20         =  4.64 
        -(An)               =  0.06         =  0.08 
        (d,An)              = 18.04         = 23.30 
        Calc (An)           =  0.86         =  1.19 
        Calc (d,An)         =  2.12         =  2.12 
    REGISTER INDEXED    =  2.56         =  2.89 
        (d,An,Xn)           =  0.80         =  1.20 
        Calc (d,An,Xn)      =  1.76         =  1.69 
    ABSOLUTE            =  0.54         =  0.66 
        xxx.w               =  0.00         =  0.00 
        xxx.l               =  0.00         =  0.00 
        Calc xxx.w          =  0.14         =  0.15 
        Calc xxx.l          =  0.40         =  0.51 
    PROGRAM RELATIVE    =  0.34         =  0.29 
        (d,PC)              =  0.01         =  0.06 
        Calc (d,PC)         =  0.33         =  0.23 
    PROGRAM INDEXED     =  0.01         =  0.02 
        (d,PC,Xn)           =  0.00         =  0.00 
        Calc (d,PC,Xn)      =  0.01         =  0.02 
    IMMEDIATE           =  8.27         =  7.71 
        xxx                 =  7.07         =  7.33 
        Quick               =  1.20         =  0.38 
    IMPLIED STACK       =  3.08         =  4.50 
        (SP)+               =  3.08         =  4.50 
                       ----------       ----------   
Total                     91.55             95.96          


General Class      Dynamic Freqency  Dynamic Execution Time 
    NONE                = 17.28         = 19.01 
    REGISTER DIRECT     = 50.03         = 46.65 
        Dn                  = 24.53         = 23.01 
        An                  =  7.57         =  5.68 
        Rn                  = 17.93         = 17.96 
    REGISTER INDIRECT   = 24.35         = 25.60 
        (An)                =  1.79         =  1.83 
        (An)+               =  7.37         =  8.05 
        -(An)               =  5.90         =  5.92 
        (d,An)              =  9.28         =  9.81 
    REGISTER INDEXED    =  1.99         =  2.88 
        (d,An,Xn)           =  1.99         =  2.88 
    ABSOLUTE            =  0.00         =  0.00 
        xxx.w               =  0.00         =  0.00 
        xxx.l               =  0.00         =  0.00 
    IMPLIED STACK       =  5.02         =  5.66 
        (SP)+               =  5.02         =  5.66 
                       ----------       ----------   
Total                     98.66             99.81