pete@octopus.UUCP (Pete Holzmann) (11/07/85)
WANTED: Offers on a 68K UNIX box. Worth $26K list; we'd like to get $10K, but we'll consider any offer to a good home. o VME based system (Victory 'Factor') (extra-large 400mm VME cards) o 8 MHz 68000, 1.25 MB RAM (expandable) o 8 serial, 1 parallel (centronix) port o 40 MB hard disk (can add 2 more drives in cabinet), 1 MB floppy o 40 MB Streaming tape o Heavy duty power supply (Selectable voltage/freq: great in Europe) o 1.5 yrs old. Service contract available; we'll WARRANTY for 30 days o Full system (hardware and software) documentation in binders Software: UNIX= Unisoft System III w/ many Berkeley enhancements Other= SVS Fortran 77, Unify data base, Modem7, hacker, (usenet etc. available on request) Upgrades: Can be upgraded to 10 MHz, System V, VME array processor, etc. This system is VERY expandable, with spare slots, power, space... -- OOO __| ___ Peter Holzmann, Octopus Enterprises OOOOOOO___/ _______ USPS: 19611 La Mar Court, Cupertino, CA 95014 OOOOO \___/ UUCP: {hplabs!hpdsd,pyramid}!octopus!pete ___| \_____ Phone: 408/996-7746