[net.micro.68k] Green Hills "C" cross-compiler

papa@uscvax.UUCP (Marco Papa) (12/05/85)

Oasys of Cambridge, Massachusetts has ads in UNIX Review and UNIX/WORLD 
advertising a Tool Kit of 68000/68010/68020 cross-development software 
tools that includes:

* 68000/10/20 Assembler Package:
	- Macro cross/native assembler
	- Linker and Librarian
	- Cross reference facility
	- Symbol formatter utility
	- Object module translator

* Green Hills "C" 68000/68010 optimizing compiler

* Symbolic debuggers

This kit is available on VAX, microVAX, SUN, Pyramid, IBM PC, etc..., and 
runs under 4.2bsd, System V, MS/DOS, and others.

Are these the tools that Commodore-AMIGA is using for their cross-development
on the Sun workstation?  I remember that somebody at C-A mentioned the fact 
that the Green Hill "C" compiler produces much faster code than the Lattice
"C" compiler.  Does the Oasys-marketed Green Hills "C" compiler produce code 
that can be readily downloaded to the AMIGA, or does it need to be linked 
with proprietary libraries?

Marco Papa
USC - Computer Science Dept.

UUCP:	...!{decvax,ucbvax,hplabs}!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!uscvax!papa
CSNET:	papa@usc-cse.csnet
ARPA:	papa%usc-cse@csnet-relay.arpa