[net.micro.68k] Porting OS-9 68K

jimomura@lsuc.UUCP (Jim Omura) (01/05/86)

     I have been asked for assistance porting OS-9 68K to various systems
and because I don't use it (I use OS-9 6809), I have been unable to do
much more than point people to Microware.  The following is a recap:

     A few weeks ago someone asked me for OS-9 68K for the Sage computer.
I directed them to contact Microware and Stride.  I have not heard from
them since.  I hope all has gone well.

     A few weeks ago I posted a request for help for some BIX users who
wish to do a cheap *legal* port of OS-9 68K to the Sinclair QL.  The
Cumana port apparently costs $1,100.00 US.  I have not been able to
help them so far.

     Just yesterday, people with Omnibyte 68K multibus cards have asked
me for assistance to port OS-9 68K to their systems (again these are new
users of BIX and when they read the exchange re the Sinclair, they may
be able to find sufficient info).

     If anyone can assist these people, I would appreciate hearing from
them 'here' or on BIX.

     Thank you.

                                              Cheers! -- Jim O.

PS:  There seems to be an opportunity for someone to make a fair bit of
     money doing OS-9 68K ports.  I'm a bit surprised by this because
     there are presently a fair number of ports already done.

James Omura, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura
(416) 652-3880