[fa.tcp-ip] TCP/IP certification

tcp-ip@ucbvax.ARPA (07/13/85)

From: Art Berggreen <ART@ACC>

DCA (Defense Communications Agency) is setting up a certification
system for protocols used with the DDN (Defense Data Network),
including TCP/IP.  I don't believe the TCP/IP testing is very
far along, but they should be contacted for details.

				"Art Berggreen"<Art@ACC.ARPA>


tcp-ip@ucbvax.ARPA (07/13/85)

From: David C. Plummer in disguise <DCP@SCRC-QUABBIN.ARPA>

    Date: 12 Jul 1985 20:53 PST
    From: Art Berggreen <ART@ACC>

    DCA (Defense Communications Agency) is setting up a certification
    system for protocols used with the DDN (Defense Data Network),
    including TCP/IP.  I don't believe the TCP/IP testing is very
    far along, but they should be contacted for details.

I'm curious to know what happens when somebody fails certification.
What happens when the certification tests discover Unix sending
blatently wrong FTP and SMTP reply codes?  What happens when a system
does not handle overlapping segments (either correctly or at all)?
[There were a lot of these, many now fixed.]  What happens when the
TCP/IP is a product with a development to field time on the order of