[fa.tcp-ip] NTP and timetelling issues

mills@DCN6.ARPA (10/12/85)


Experimental servers for the Network Time Protocol (NTP) announced in RFC958
are running now on several fuzzballs, including DCN1, DCN6, FORD1 and UMICH1.
These are servers only and do not implement the distributed algorithms
suggested in RFC958. The servers are implemented as a user process, so are not
as accurate as ICMP Timestamp messages. Our experience indicates accuracies in
the order of 50-ms relative to NBS time should be expected as the NTP reply
timestamp leaves one of these hosts.

Two new hosts each specifically associated with a radio clock have been
activated. One of these ( tracks WWVB and the other (
tracks WWV. Particular care was taken in their design to preserve the highest
accuracy of ICMP Timestamp messages. For all other protocols, including TCP
and UDP, these hosts perform only the standard echo function (RFC862).

We have made a number of changes to our fuzzballs and timetellers in order to
improve timekeeping robustness and move toward a truly distributed clock
service. In summary, we have direct access to two radio clocks (WWVB and WWV)
and indirect access to a third (GOES), all of which are available to the
local-net routing and timekeeping functions. We have arranged automatic
fallback to secondary clocks should the primary ones fail. For this prupose a
clock which has never synchronized or has either failed to respond to a poll
or has indicated loss of signal for over two minutes is considered to have

Only one radio clock will be used at any time to synchronize our local network
and its dependencies, including timestamps returned from all 128.4 hosts. In
order of preference, the WWVB clock will be chosen first. If it is down the
next choice will be the WWV clock and the last the GOES clock. If no radio
clock is up the host clock will free-run relative to the last radio-clock
update and the intrinsic drift of its crystal. The fallback procedure is
automatic and should be glitch-free, except possibly for a step offset if a
difference of over 128 milliseconds is involved.

If for some reason the host clock was never synchronized, such as when first
booted and before any radio-clock updates have occured, that host will not
respond to UDP time requests and will close TCP time requests immediately
without sending data, which is consistent with RFC868. At present there is no
provision for marking a host clock unsynchronized once it has been
synchronized; however, our experience indicates the stability of the host
clocks is such that this would be indicated only after a prolonged outage (a
matter of days) of all radio clocks, which is considered unlikely.

The intended result of all this effort is that rotten timestamps such as
recently escaped our swamp due thunderstorms and hurricanes will not recur
to destabilize the files, messages and bombs of our friends.
