[fa.tcp-ip] IBM TCP/IP survey

prodmkt@ACC.ARPA (10/15/85)

From:	SAGE::PRODMKT      15-OCT-1985 13:25
Subj:	IBM survey

The following questionaire solicits responses regarding current and 
planned useage of IBM mainframes and associated equipment at sites with
concurrent requirement for TCP/IP protocols.

This information will be used for product planning purposes here at A.C.C.
Any one wishing a compilation of the responses should request them from
me. If there is a large demand for same, I will post the compilation directly
to the net. Please respond directly to me here at A.C.C.

Thanks in advance,

Mike Kane  (PRODMKT@acc.arpa)

By the way, include all plug compatible equipment as appropriate, also.

1.  How many IBM mainframes at your site?

2.  How many 4300's?

3.  What is the primary operating system?

    If you run VM, what guest OS's do you run in addition?

4.  What is the primary application(s)? (TSO,CICS,IMS,etc)

5.  Does your site support or have planned an SNA network?

6.  Does your site have a BSC network?

7.  Is there a requirement for interfacing non-IBM, ascii hosts to
    existing IBM net's?

8.  If you are already doing #7, what solution did you use?

9.  Do you currently have TCP/IP running in an IBM environment?

10. Do you plan on having TCP/IP in  an  IBM environment?

11. Which in your IBM requirement set is more pressing;  ARPA style
    attachments, or Ethernet attachments?

12. In the case of both attachments mentioned in #11, is there a further
    requirement of maintaining SNA network integrity/transparency?

13. Any comments? 

14. Any suggestions regarding further questions?
