[net.notes] compiling notes 1.3 under UNIX 4.0

ka (04/27/83)

Notes won't compile under UNIX 4.0 as distributed.

PROBLEM:   globs.h #includes the nonexistant file <whoami.h>.

SOLUTION:  Call uname to find out the system name.  The preprocessor
	   variable UNAME functions like the variable PORTBINARY except
	   that it calls uname instead of gethost.

    In parms.h, add the line
	#define UNAME
    between the lines
	#if	defined(UNIX40)

    In globs.h, replace lines 13 through 17:
	#if	defined(PORTBINARY)
	char    sysname[32];					/* holds system name */
	#include <whoami.h>
	#endif	defined(PORTBINARY)
    with the code:
	#if	defined(PORTBINARY) || defined(UNAME)
	char    sysname[32];					/* holds system name */
	#include <whoami.h>
	#endif	defined(PORTBINARY) || defined(UNAME)
	#if	defined(UNAME)
	#include <sys/utsname.h>				/* for uname sys call */
	#endif	defined(UNAME)

    Append the following code to main.i:
	#if	defined(UNAME)					/* like PORTBINARY but use uname */
		struct utsname name;
		strcpy(sysname, name.nodename);
	#endif	defined(UNAME)

PROBLEM:   The routine ttystrt references nonexistant members of the termio
	   structure sg_erase and sg_kill.

SOLUTION:  Use c_cc[VERASE] and c_cc[VKILL] instead.

    In miscio.c change lines 88 through 102:
	#if	defined(UNIX40)
	    tty.c_lflag & = NOT ICANON;
	    tty.c_cc[VEOF] = 1;
	    tty.c_cc[VEOL] = 1;
	    ospeed = tty.c_cflag & CBAUD;
	#endif	defined(UNIX40)

	#if	defined(BSD41)|| defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD28) || defined(V7)
	    oldmode = tty.sg_flags;
	    tty.sg_flags | = CBREAK;
	    ospeed = tty.sg_ospeed;				/* speed of terminal */
	#endif	defined(BSD41)|| defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD28) || defined(V7)

	    ttyerase = tty.sg_erase;				/* grab erase character */
	    ttykill = tty.sg_kill;				/* and kill character */
    with the following code:
	#if	defined(UNIX40)
	    tty.c_lflag & = NOT ICANON;
	    tty.c_cc[VEOF] = 1;
	    tty.c_cc[VEOL] = 1;
	    ospeed = tty.c_cflag & CBAUD;
	    ttyerase = tty.c_cc[VERASE];			/* grab erase char */
	    ttykill = tty.c_cc[VKILL];				/* and kill char */
	#endif	defined(UNIX40)

	#if	defined(BSD41)|| defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD28) || defined(V7)
	    oldmode = tty.sg_flags;
	    tty.sg_flags | = CBREAK;
	    ospeed = tty.sg_ospeed;				/* speed of terminal */
	    ttyerase = tty.sg_erase;				/* grab erase character */
	    ttykill = tty.sg_kill;				/* and kill character */
	#endif	defined(BSD41)|| defined(BSD41A) || defined(BSD28) || defined(V7)

PROBLEM:   Newsinput.c calls nonexistant routines index and rindex.

SOLUTION:  Use strchr and strrchr.

    In parms.h, insert the lines:
	#define		index	strchr
	#define		rindex	strrchr
    inside the "#if defined(UNIX40)" section

PROBLEM:   Makefile attempts to execute the nonexistant program ranlib.

SOLUTION:  Don't run it.

    I didn't bother to write code to call ranlib only on Berkeley systems.
    Instead I just deleted the call.

Kenneth Almquist